Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

The Ins and Outs of This War…2007

The only “wars” in recent times that I know of that took a very short time to “win” are the Faulkland Islands and the Invasion of Grenada. The current “war” we are involved in has been going on for decades upon decades upon decades. This “debacle” as touted by the Reids of the world must first be understood for what it is; a Global War of Jihad. There really is only one way to have an ultimate and clear-cut end…total annihilation of the enemy.

Some would have us believe that we can negotiate a settlement with the Global Jihadists. Others proclaim that a radical few have hijacked an otherwise peaceful “religion”. Both of these noble premise, although well intended, are as wrong as wrong can get. There is no such thing as “peaceful Islam”. I would like for someone to tell me of one instance…just one and only one…where there was ever a “peaceful Islam”.

What is Jihad?

What is Jihad: The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle). Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all non-Muslims to convert them to Islam on the pain of death. Jihad is enjoined on all Muslims by the Quran.

We have a series on this blog dedicated to the exposure of what our pathetic political leaders cannot nor will not accept…it is not politically expedient and it is surely not politically correct to KNOW the truth.

Perhaps this video will begin to cast a glimmer of a shadow of a hope that a dim light at the end of an infinite tunnel will begin to glow.



The Politically Correct proponents fear world opinion and will not allow themselves to honestly see what the world faces. The world faces World Conquest of Jihad.

I find it appalling that the American Quest and Lust for Political Power within my country has brought us to the brink of self-induced destruction. We haven’t been this politically split since 1861 and look how that unfolded. Idealism. Realism. And any other “ism” imaginable or invented to espouse one’s “world view” will be the demise of this nation called The United States of America.

What are we united against? What are we united for? We hear a minority in numbers tout separation of Church and State, when there is no such doctrine in the Constitution, when it comes to the Ten Commandments on display in courtrooms and elsewhere yet we allow without impunity, the fabrication and construction of Islamic “cleansing basins“, a religion-based tenet of foot-washing in our universities, tax dollars supported. We allow “special” public schools where “peaceful Islam” can be taught to the “peaceful Jihadist’s” children in our school systems.

We allow “peaceful religious” Islamic militant compounds to thrive on our own soil yet we take down the Branch Davidians. Duplicitous does not even scratch the surface of this sham called Separation of Church and State.

I read today in the “harpy” news media all manner of wrong-headed and politically charged rhetoric, politically driven, naturally, as to the “ill-gotten when will it all end” nonsense. Those of us that are in The Know, laugh scornfully at the uneducated.

It will all end when the world is ruled by the Caliphate.

More to follow. Let the video sink in.



Excellent editorial by Seth Leibsohn at NRO:

James Gilmore weighs in:

June 18, 2007 - Posted by | Democrats, GOP, GWOT, Jerks, Jihadists, Liars, Morons, Political Correctness, Politics, Studies In Islam, Terrorists, Two-Faced

1 Comment »

  1. This email was sent to Shrub under the subject line: Watch the video.

    The Ins and Outs of This War…2007

    See the testimony of one of your Saudi allies endorsing world conquest. God damn!!! I can not believe we elected someone so stupid and treacherous as you are. I am disgusted!!! 😦 😦 😦

    For Chrissake, read the Goddamn Qur’an and find out where that SandMaggot gets that excrement he spews. Its from the likes of 2:190, 2:216, 8:39, 9:29, 9:35 & 47:4. There is a list on the web of 164 violent ayat.

    Now you want to give $86M plus to the Fallestinians. Much of the most recent aid is in the hands of HAMAS. In fact, they are all Gd’d Muslims. There is no actual difference between HAMAS & FATAH. In both cases, the short term objective is the genocide & policide of Israel; the long term objective is total world conquest. For Chrissake, read the Goddamn Qur’an and find out what motivates those SandMaggots. While you are at it, read Bukhari’s collection of sahih hadith concerning Jihad.

    Its bad enough that you make a damn fool of yourself. Worse still, you risk making slaves of all of us. 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦

    The frowns probably won’t come out here. They ain’t sufficiently expressive anyway.

    Comment by dajjal | June 18, 2007 | Reply

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