Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

Death & Damnation

Is there any life left in the Tree of Liberty? You’re it!  Summon up all your grit & determination and resolve that Liberty will prevail!

Originally posted by seneca264 at Jihad Chat.

It often amazes me how many evil forces are at work to secure the final destruction of this once great and mighty nation. I find it ironic that the biggest evil force at work is our own president Bush and his administration. I can only wonder what and when the next big “plan” is going to be hatched from the back offices of the White House that will once again drive a nail in the coffin of America. I was never one to give up, but this battle to secure our country and return it to some level of sanity seems to be moving farther and farther from the grasp of the American people. Sure, we have some victories now and then, but for every step we go forward, we take 5 steps back. At this rate, this country will not survive long. The anti-American organizations like the ACLU, La Raza, CAIR, etc are slowly buying the support of our federal, state, and local officials. These organizations have slowly crept into our courts and governments and have basically highjacked the American way of life. Our laws will be slowly changed, one at a time, so as not to alarm the public. Heck, most Americans are too stupid, lazy, or ignorant to even care or know what is going on in their own country, let alone do anything about it.

Yes folks, we deserve to lose our great country. We have been very poor caretakers of our freedoms. We have been reduced to moral cowards that lack resolve in the face of this evil onslaught. I often wonder what would have happened to this nation if the Sons of Liberty and our founding fathers had capitulated in their belief that the colonies should be free from a tyrannical form of government. Thank God for brave men willing to put their lives on the line to secure our freedoms. What a disgrace we would appear to them if they could see us now.

The American citizen has been successfully neutered by our government. We have been reduced to fighting with worthless votes and hollow threats towards our elected representatives not to support them in the next election. I am sure you have these turncoats quaking in their boots folks. Your elected officials no longer need your worthless vote to stay in power, they will garner their votes from the “new” Americans that they cater to. Just take a look at my state of South Carolina. We elected the traitor Lindsay Graham on a strictly conservative platform and now he is handing out our country to every illegal that enters the U.S.

Sorry folks, we lost the battle to save this country. I feel sorry for our children and their chidlren. We will leave a legacy of failing and cowardice. Our generation will be shamed for enternity.

September 2, 2007 Posted by | ACLU Morons, Bigots, CAIR, Clintons, Conspiracy Morons, Democrats, dhimmitude, Elections 2008, Enemies Within, Freedom, GWB, GWOT, Home Land Security, Illegal Immigration, Iraq, Islam, Jihad, Lame Stream Media, Multiculturalism, Patriotism, Political Correctness, Politics, Silent Majority, Socialists, Terrorists | Leave a comment


97 – 0

From Wake Up Americans

Joe Lieberman along with McCain, Kyl, Graham, and Coleman, offered up an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act, confronting the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran over its proxy attacks on American soldiers in Iraq, and it passed with a vote of 97-0.

Roll call can be found here.

Statement of purpose: To require a report on support provided by the Government of Iran for attacks against coalition forces in Iraq.

Liebermans statement from his site (linked above)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Lieberman, McCain, Kyl, Graham, and Coleman today introduced a bipartisan amendment to the Defense Authorization Act, confronting the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran over its proxy attacks on American soldiers in Iraq.

The amendment details the publicly available evidence put forward over the past year by General David Petraeus, commanding general of Multi-National Force Iraq, and others about Iran’s violent and destabilizing activities in Iraq.

The amendment states that “the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces by a foreign government or its agents is an intolerable act of hostility against the United States,” and demands the government of Iran “take immediate action” to end all forms of support it is providing to Iraqi militias and insurgents. The amendment also mandates a regular report on Iran’s anti-coalition activity in Iraq.

“For many months, our military commanders and diplomats have warned us that the Iranian government has been training, equipping, arming, and funding proxies in Iraq who are murdering our troops,” said Senator Lieberman. “This amendment is a common sense, common ground statement of the Senate to Tehran: we know what you are doing, and you must stop.”

“American officials attest that the government in Teheran seeks to bleed the United States and render unsuccessful our efforts to bring about a stable and self-governing in Iraq,” said Senator McCain. “This amendment will send a clear signal: Iran’s activities in Iraq are wrong, and they must end immediately.”

“The Iranians are attempting to thwart our policies in the Middle East by actively supporting terrorists who are killing our troops in Iraq,” said Senator Kyl. “It is time we acknowledge this hostility against us, and this amendment tells the Iranians we will not tolerate any actions which threaten our troops or allies.”

“The evidence is increasingly clear the Iranian government is working to destabilize the Iraqi government,” said Senator Graham. “It is long past time for Congress to speak out about this destructive behavior by Iran. We need one voice, and I expect it will be a unified bipartisan voice, speaking out and condemning these actions by the Iranian government.”

“The United States will not tolerate Iran’s hostile attempts to sabotage our efforts in the Middle East region,” said Senator Coleman. “On my last trip to Iraq, our Minnesota troops in Southern Iraq showed me Iranian-made explosives that were used against them on convoy missions. This crucial amendment makes it clear to the Iranian government, and any other government in the region that seeks to harm our soldiers, that providing any form of support to Iraqi insurgents will not be tolerated and must cease immediately.”

The text of the actual amendment should be here, when they actually get it up on the site. (That link will be changed if it ends up being put up at a different URL)


Michael Goldfarb reports:



Iran Amendment Passes 97-0


The Lieberman amendment–confronting Iran on its proxy attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq–just passed the Senate unanimously, 97-0.


So let’s look at the scorecard this week so far: The Webb amendment on trying to limit Iraq deployments went down to defeat. The Lieberman amendment confronting Iran passed unanimously. So much for the long-predicted collapse–at least so far. There will be some tough votes in the days ahead. Let’s hope the Senate Republicans continue to hold the line.


Meanwhile, Senator Lieberman had this to say of the Senate’s unanimous vote, confronting Iran:

“Today’s unanimous vote sends a strong, clear message from the entire Senate to the Iranians that we know what they are doing in Iraq, and they must stop…This is a warning to the Iranians that whatever differences divide us politically here in Washington, we stand united against these outrageous attacks.”


What does it mean? For one thing, take a stroll to Spree’s place and read some comments from the far-left moonbat blogs. They are upset. Good. Maybe they will just end it all and do the world a favor.

97 – 0. If 97 Senators are all on the same page when it comes to Iran killing our people, why then do they support AQI from killing our people? I don’t get it. Oh. Wait. Politics. OK. Never mind.

The Hill

According to sources, Boehner and Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) were urging solidarity among House Republicans, explaining that they must distinguish themselves from their Senate colleagues.

A spokesman for Boehner said his comments were in no way meant to trivialize the war or the senators’ decisions. Rather, they were meant to emphasize the importance of allowing the troop surge to work and to urge GOP lawmakers to reserve their judgment on the situation until September, when Gen. David Petraeus is scheduled to brief Congress fully on the progress in Iraq.

CNS News

President Bush’s Iraq “surge” strategy is not dead and should be given a chance to succeed, according to two security analysts who met at the American Enterprise Institute Monday to discuss military policy and politics.

AEI resident scholar Frederick Kagan and former acting Army Chief of Staff Gen. Jack Keane spoke out with rare voices of approval for the president’s policy as part of an AEI panel called “Assessing the Surge in Iraq.”

Kagan was critical of the surge’s detractors, saying they had jumped to attack a policy that had only recently begun. He expressed incredulity at the idea that the surge was somehow not working.

“The current strategy has not failed. It just began June 15th,” Kagan said.

Keane agreed, adding that the strategy needed more time. He also stressed that the situation was generally improving in Iraq and that coalition forces were gaining momentum in their efforts.

“All the Iraqis that I spoke to, numbering in the hundreds, believed the security situation was getting better,” he said.


The “surge” is working. Will Washington allow the current progress to continue?
In Washington perception is often mistaken for reality. And as Congress prepares for a fresh debate on Iraq, the perception many members have is that the new strategy has already failed.

This isn’t an accurate reflection of what is happening on the ground, as I saw during my visit to Iraq in May. Reports from the field show that remarkable progress is being made. Violence in Baghdad and Anbar Province is down dramatically, grassroots political movements have begun in the Sunni Arab community, and American and Iraqi forces are clearing al Qaeda fighters and Shiite militias out of long-established bases around the country.

This is remarkable because the military operation that is making these changes possible only began in full strength on June 15. To say that the surge is failing is absurd. Instead Congress should be asking this question: Can the current progress continue?

One should be wondering why it is that the folks with the lowest approval ratings in history want to once again get shown the door. Reid and Pelosi cannot scrape enough votes together to override GWB’s veto pen and those of us in the New Media won’t allow them to win this round either. We trounced the ILLEGAL Alien Shamnesty bill into the dirt and we will do the same this time around as well.

We are strongly united in defeating the Leftinistra.

Be fair warned. We are watching.

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Democrats, Treason | Leave a comment

15 Morons…

Fifteen Morons, aka Liberal Dolts

The following is an article written by JB Williams. I have never met him but I like his style and that which he writes. I don’t necessarily agree 100% of the time but the differences we may have are so petty, it isn’t even worth whining about.

This particular article, however, I agree with 110%. Why? Wouldn’t you like to know? Perhaps, one day, when my book is approved to be written, one will understand The Why. Until then, you will have to want to know.

Please visit the web site of JB Williams.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Impeachment of Vice President Cheney

Written by JB Williams

©2007 USA

Finally, a few congressional Democrats over in the peoples House have developed the backbone to actually stake their reputations and careers on the campaign rhetoric surrounding Iraq intelligence that led them to vote in favor of regime change in Iraq.

On April 24, 2007, Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich filed Articles of Impeachment against sitting Vice President Richard Cheney alleging unconstitutional misconduct, high crimes and misdemeanors on the basis of intentionally manipulated pre-war intelligence which resulted in both houses of congress voting overwhelmingly to authorize use of military force to depose the Hussein regime in Iraq.

Since that date, Kucinich has been joined by 11 cosponsors with 3 more looking to add their names to the bill, bringing support for Impeachment to 15 House Democrats.

Joining Kucinich are his cosponsors Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] – 5/1/2007, Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] – 5/1/2007, Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] – 5/10/2007, Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] – 6/6/2007, Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] – 6/7/2007, Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] – 6/7/2007, Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] – 6/12/2007, Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] – 6/28/2007, Rep Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [GA-4] – 6/28/2007, Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] – 7/10/2007, Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] – 7/10/2007, with Reps Sam Farr (CA-D), Bob Filner (CA-D) and Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL-D) looking to join the effort.

Please take a moment to make special note of each name on this list. Why, you ask?

Allow me to introduce you to the 15 dumbest individuals to ever occupy space in the United States House of Representatives, and oh, let me count the ways…

I linked the actual Articles of Impeachment above, so that you can verify my summary and document their insane ignorance for yourself. But in short, their charges revolve around the assertion that Vice President Richard Cheney misled Americans and specifically congress into supporting regime change in Iraq on the basis of false statements concerning Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, essentially doctoring intelligence to suit a predetermined agenda to depose the Hussein regime.

They make this charge on the basis that the following statements were used to trick America into war with Iraq and that these statements were all false.

The problem is not nuclear testing; it is nuclear weapons. … The number of Third World countries with nuclear capabilities seems to grow daily. Saddam Hussein’s near success with developing a nuclear weapon should be an eye-opener for us all.” One of the most compelling threats we in this country face today is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Threat assessments regularly warn us of the possibility that…Iraq…may acquire or develop nuclear weapons.If you don’t believe…Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn’t vote for me.Serving on the Intelligence Committee and seeing day after day, week after week, briefings on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons, he cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons, it’s just that simple. The whole world changes if Saddam ever has nuclear weapons.” Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons-inspection process.” We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.”

The problem is that these statements were not made by Vice President Dick Cheney, though Cheney’s related statements which appear in the Articles of Impeachment were in complete alignment with each of these statements, as were the statements of so many others here and abroad.

These statements were all made by congressional Democrats, before, during and after any Bush administration assessments of an Iraq threat. Namely, in order of the quotes above, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, John Kerry, John Edwards, Nancy Pelosi and Teddy Kennedy, all of whom have since accused the Bush administration of “lying” for making these same statements.

In fact, those of you who want to know why we are in Iraq should take a moment to watch this video which explains it so well. Here are the very statements that led congress to authorize military force to affect regime change in Iraq.

The Articles go on to make another important assertion. That Cheney (and Bush) made an effort to make a false connection between Iraq (the Hussein regime) and 9/11. Although any reader can make the connection themselves by reading the bi-partisan 911 Commission Report, page 66 to be exact, Bush and Cheney actually made no special effort to connect Hussein to 911, other than to ask the appropriate folks if there was any connection. They didn’t need to…

This Impeachment charge flies in the face of the evidence, specifically Bush’s own statement just nine days after 9/11, in which he said before the world, “Americans are asking, “Who attacked our country?” The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known as al Qaeda.” Note the missing reference to Iraq… When specifically asked in a news briefing, Bush later answered, “there is no evidence to suggest that Hussein or Iraq were in any way involved with the events of 9/11.”

Of course, Hillary Clinton said it differently, “Hussein has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.”

When later asked by the press why we had to depose the Hussein regime after 9/11, Bush answered, “It is clear, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security. – Now this much is undisputed.” OH – NO! Sorry, this isn’t a Bush statement. – This statement was made by Senator Hillary Clinton (D)… moments before she voted to authorize war in Iraq.

Bush actually answered that question this way, “The history, the logic and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein regime is a grave and gathering danger. To suggest otherwise is to hope against the evidence. To assume this regime’s good faith is to bet the lives of millions and the peace of the world in a reckless gamble, and this is a risk we must not take.” – “The first time we may be completely certain he has nuclear weapons is when, God forbid, he uses one. We owe it to all our citizens to do everything in our power to prevent that day from coming.” (Note the missing words “imminent threat”)

Now – I’m not bringing this Impeachment effort and these facts to your attention because I think this political witch hunt is going anywhere. Even the 15 morons who signed on to this nonsense know that this is about as far as this initiative is going to go.

I bring this to your attention because the people have a right to know just how stupid, partisan and petty their politicians really are. This cast of fifteen fools top the list of House Representatives who are just too ignorant for their own good, much less the good of the American people. It’s time for all of them to find a career better suited to their lacking IQs. Idiots like this are dangerous with even an ounce of power.

We have heard these assertions for years now and finally, someone has put the charges and the alleged evidence on paper so that we can take a close up look at what they are alleging. In a perfect world, this bill would pass congress with 100% approval and proceed to trial without delay.

A legal trial would prove two things once and for all.

First, that Bush & Cheney took appropriate preventive (aka pre-emptive) action to ensure that terror organizations like Al Qaeda could not acquire raw weapons grade materials to be used in their unconventional martyr delivery system via other enemies like the Hussein regime. That regime change in Iraq was indeed a forgone agenda, as of 1998 when Clinton and congress made regime change in Iraq the official US policy on Iraq.

Second, – that these fifteen members of the House are just too stupid to remain in office.

One of two things is true and their filing of this Impeachment brief proves it.

Either Democrat members of congress failed to do their job of independently reviewing all related intelligence on Iraq before voting to send American troops into harms way, an option hard to prove since most of them made the same argument for deposing Hussein as Bush long before Bush made them, or, these Democrats are foolish liars trapped in their own web of deception, caught between what they are saying now and what they were saying then.

All evidence points to the latter.

I’d love to see this brief presented in any court in America…. Better than Cheney and the Bush policy on Iraq being completely exonerated, would be the circus that ended in the Impeachment of fifteen foolish and irresponsible House members who really must find a career better suited to their limited aptitude.

I’m thinking a traveling sideshow of Gucci clad dancing jackasses….

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Civil War, Communists, Congress, Democrats, Ethics, Lame Stream Media, Leftinistra, Politics, Progressives, Socialists | Leave a comment

Another White Flagger?

John J Duncan, Jr; White Flag Republican

Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears some public servants don’t understand the concept of working for the American People. I sent out the letter Congress to about half of the list yesterday. Below is a response I received from Teresa McCollum, John Duncan Jr.’s staff assistant. I suggest the bloggers blog it and we show Duncan’s staff for what they are–purposely obtuse and out and out ignoring–INDEED BLOCKING–the American constituency. BTW, he’s from Tennessee.

Here’s the response:



Whoever you are, this email does not pertain to me and you have been reported and also blocked and sent to junk mail.


Teresa E. McCollum



Staff Assistant


Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr.


800 Market Street, Suite 110


Knoxville , Tennessee 37902


865-523-3772 phone


865-544-0728 fax






My letter to Duncan read like this:

I have emailed the following to my google group, Patriots for Conservative Values.

Perhaps you need to educate your staff when they receive email concerning issues of the day, such as the Surrender Date Certain timeline discussion regarding Iraq, this is not the way to respond to the American taxpayer and constituent paying your–and your staff member’s–salary. Never forget YOU serve at the pleasure of the people.

This is what I’ve mailed to my group:


and closed like this:

Mr. Duncan, I suggest you educate your staff. This will be blogged everywhere.


[Miss Beth], PLS, PNPA

blogging at Miss Beth’s Victory Dance

Let’s get the word out!

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Democrats, GWOT, Leftinistra, Treason | Leave a comment

Surrender Doctrine

Contact the WFRs

Join the Patriot’s Group

Here we go again. We rallied to defeat this once before and we almost didn’t make it. GWB vetoed the treasonous mess and the Lame Duck CONgress could not override the veto.

This time around, let’s rally to the point that the measure of defeat won’t even pass.

Visit Miss Beth’s blog and register to join the group. The below is her post:Stop the Withdrawal Timelines/Date Certain for Surrender!

I have a post up at my group spot that lists the email addresses of all the staffers of the original 24 White Flag Republicans with the additions of Pete Domenici, Richard Lugar, Lamar Alexander, Rodney Alexander and John Sununu.

You have to be an approved member of my group to get to this list; however, I’ve made it easy for you…the subscription information is at the top of the blog. I’ll be notified when you subscribe and can approve you right away.

WARNING: Trolls will not be allowed to subscribe and will have their subscription denied.

I’m also listing the link to where you can tell your elected representatives to vote NO on this withdrawal nonsense. That link is here:
This link is SPECIFICALLY for TELLING THE SENATE: “The Senate SHOULD NOT Vote to Start Withdrawing Troops from Iraq”

For those of who are (and even those of you who aren’t) members of the Victory Caucus, below is the link for the NRSC Pledge: which states:

If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged, and if the Senate does so after the testimony of General Petraeus on January 23 that such a resolution will be an encouragement to the enemy, I will not contribute to any Republican senator who voted for the resolution. Further, if any Republican senator who votes for such a resolution is a candidate for re-election in 2008, I will not contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee unless the Chairman of that Committee, Senator Ensign, commits in writing that none of the funds of the NRSC will go to support the re-election of any senator supporting the non-binding resolution

This pledge can be modified to bring it up to date, letting these WFR’s know their political careers are over should they continue to undermine the troops, embolden the enemy and signal a date certain for surrender to the enemy. Join Victory Caucus, take the pledge, modify it and then email (as often as possible, preferably every 1/2 hour) the staffers your displeasure at this issue being brought up yet again and the possibility of their bosses crossing the line yet again. Let them know no matter how many times it’s brought up, you don’t intend to stand still for it and will work to have them removed from office each and every time they show even the least inkling of working with Harry Reid and those vested in our defeat.

It’s time once again to ramp up a grassroots effort to stop this nonsense once and for all. We did it with immigration; let’s get it done with this travesty of congress trying to fight a war from their cushy seats and trying to override the military and the officers who know the real story. Let the military do its job and quit trying to tie their hands! Let us win this war so the troops CAN come home!

Sign the petition, sign the pledge, get the emails going.

Miss Beth will have to approve your membership

Google Groups

Google Groups
Subscribe to Patriots for Conservative Values
Visit this group

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Congress, Democrats, Leftinistra, Liars | Leave a comment

The Retreat Caucus Didn’t Learn The Last Time

Bush: Will he stay the course as others run? “America good! Al Qaeda bad!” – A trader in the Qatana bazaar, Ramadi, Iraq

Rich Lowry…NY Post

THIS is a sentiment that the Iraqi trader felt safe to utter as a visiting U.S. gen eral passed by, according to John Burns of The New York Times, only after a furtive glance “up and down the narrow refuse-strewn street to check who might be listening.” In a microcosm, this is the reason why we’re finally making progress against al Qaeda in Iraq: The protection afforded by American combat power has made it possible for Iraqis in Sunni areas to turn against the terror group.

In a global struggle against Islamic extremism, it is an incontestably welcome development that ordinary Sunnis in the Arab heartland are spurning al Qaeda. The extremist group has been on a campaign of savagery in Iraq that has discredited its own cause. The grassroots revolt against it means that it is within our reach to deny al Qaeda its most important current geopolitical objective, which is plunging Iraq into a bloody chaos in which it can thrive.

But a group of Republican senators have picked precisely this moment to call for deconstructing the troop surge that has begun to give us the upper hand against al Qaeda. They thus reveal a key dishonesty in the debate over the war: Everyone professes to want to fight al Qaeda in Iraq – as opposed to policing the sectarian war – but the number of politicians willing to support the means to that end is ever-dwindling.

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Congress, Democrats, GWOT, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, M.I.T., Morons, Pelosi, Petraeus, Reid | 7 Comments

No Kidding?

Bush Says Dems In Congress Are Failing

President Bush accused Democratic lawmakers on Saturday of being unable to live up to their duties, citing Congress’ inability to pass legislation to fund the federal government. More…


Gee.  How can we tell?  What have they done that has become law?  What have they done besides under-mining the war effort and gave every effort to demoralize our troops and enable the enemy?

The 101th DEMOCRAT MAJORITY CONgress is a dismal failure and is the WORSE CONgress in the history of the United States.

July 7, 2007 Posted by | Congress, Democrats, History | 4 Comments

Miss Beth Rants

Just HOW LOW Will the Libs/Dems/Scammers Go?

I have no proof dems and libs are involved in this, but frankly, after what we’ve seen the last six months in Congress, the corruption, money laundering, extreme ethics violations, etc., it would NOT surprise me one single iota to find they are indeed behind this in some measure.

Just what am I talking about? The Nigerian Scam with a twist. Using a US Soldier’s name to get attention–a currently serving US soldier. I mean, after all, let’s see how far these bottom feeding slime will take the name of the United States, engender further hatred toward those that defend our freedom, splatter them with more of the scandal that clings to dems and libs like the designer clothes they adore.

In other words, I’m royally PISSED OFF, and based on the cowards and criminals in congress, protesting in our streets, releasing shockumentaries, babbling from their soapboxes, I’m gonna say what I damn well please and if y’all don’t like it, tough. MY country, MY soldiers, MY freedom of speech.

Here’s what I got in my email (I’ve left all grammatical and structural errors intact):


I am in need of your assistance. My name is SGT Justin Harris . I am in the Engineering military unit here in Ba’qubah in Iraq, we have about US$25 Million US dollars that we want to move out of the country. My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust. It is oil money and legal.We are moving it through diplomatic means, to send it to your house directly or a bank of your choice using diplomatic courier service they can ship it directly to you in your place, door to door delivery. The most important thing is that can we trust you? Once the funds get to you, you take your 50% out and keep our own 50%. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place where the funds can be sent to. Our own part is sending it to you. If you are interested i will furnish you with more details. But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times.Can i trust you and will you help? Send me an email with your positive reply and i will send you more details and the plan. Dont worry it is risk free.Waiting for your urgent response.

Your Army in Iraq.
SGT Justin Harris
The email address it came from:

FIRST of all should any of you get emails from this typical Nigerian scam, there is a government agency to report it to: Use this address liberally.

Second, there really is a Sgt. Justin Harris (Sgt. Justin Harris, a combat engineer who is a team leader for Company E and hails from Roseville, Calif. ), serving in Iraq. There’s a wonderful story on him here entitled “Ironhorse Brigade Helps Return Kidnapped Victims A joint effort with Iraqi Police returns three men to their families.”

Just how low will the scammers, the dems, the libs, the LSM, etc. go in besmirching those that defend their right to spew forth their vile? Using a hero’s name to promote illegal activities and Nigerian scams? They haven’t cooked up enough bullshit between Abu Ghraib, Haditha, etc.?

Assholes, all.


Yes,  there are low-lifes everywhere and they are sure to be code pinko members or even friends of the trolls we see everyday.  Imagine that?

July 4, 2007 Posted by | Democrats, Eagles Up, Haditha, Hamdania, Injustice, Jihadist Bloggers, Liars, Morons, Progressives, Socialists, Trolls, Two-Faced | 1 Comment

On Hillary and Scooter Libby

By now, even the jerks on the left know that the “issue” with Scooter Libby was a manufactured BDS driven witch hunt. Fitzgerald KNEW from the beginning that Armitage was the leaker of the non-covert bitch Valerie Plame and her retarded and wussified dweeb of a coward husband knew as well.

Is my angst showing?

This is what makes Czarina’s statement about the commutation of Libby’s sentence the real joke of the day. This woman, and I use that term loosely, is no better than Fitzgerald and Armitage. Knowing the truth and doing nothing of it equates to needing to be euthanized. They should all check in immediately to wherever Kavorkian is hanging out so he can assist them with the relieving themselves of all this BDS hatred. It would the best they could do for this country. They just plain suck.

Here is what the idiot that would be King (she has to have a bigger unit than Bill does):

Liberals Cry about Bush commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby


Liberals are all upset about President Bush pardoning Scooter Libby.


Senator Clinton issued the following statement on President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby:

“Today’s decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law. This case arose from the Administration’s politicization of national security intelligence and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies. Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the consequences of this White House’s efforts to quell dissent. This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.”

That criminal Hillary DARES claim someone is above the law? PLEASE! Spare us the bullshit! Hillary is a QUACK!

Please visit the site above to see the list of PARDONS Bill The Cigar Boy Sex Fiend and Addict issued. WHERE WAS HILLARY’S ANGST THEN? Oh. Wait. Her brother-in-law was pardoned by Billy Bob Can’t Keep His Pants Zipped Moron. I see. And Scooter Libby was the attorney! GO FIGURE!

What a schmuck this Hillary creep is. DAMN!

July 3, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Democrats, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, History, Injustice, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, Libby, Morons, Socialists, Trolls | 3 Comments

Please…Not Another DS Proponent

Barack Obama. Although I have no intentions of voting for the man, I did have some inkling of respect for him going up against The Rodham (Czarina) and for his “projected candor”. We all know that the politicians no longer represent “We The People”. The status quo in DC is unacceptable.

Shortly, I will have videos up in the VOD:POD of his “sound goods”.

On the same day that Barack Obama outlined his plan for tougher restrictions on lobbyists, the campaign manager to a rival Democratic presidential candidate questioned his commitment to practicing a new kind of politics.

His yapping to the Vocal Minority left fringe moonbats is laughable. It stems from the misconception that a “few radicals has hijacked a peaceful religion”. That statement right there and anyone agreeing with it, is not worthy to clean toilets at a zoo, let alone be POTUS.

Case in point. The below video, albeit the speaker has good intentions and the “sound good” sound bytes appear to be sincere, places on public display the ignorance of the inexperienced. When will politicians listen to those that know?

There are other videos in my VOD:POD listed under “favorites” of Barack. I haven’t “caught” him in any lies yet but I am sure they will follow. Of the three DNC front-runners, he appears to be the most honest. We all know that Hillary is a flat-out liar and criminal. Edwards has stated that he isn’t quite sure what a rich person is.

Naturally, no one being offered up by the DNC has a snowball’s chance in hell to match tit for tat with the likes of Fred Thompson.

Until We The People get someone that will adhere to the tenets of Reagan Conservatism, tis country will continue to suffer.


This is what I am talking about.  The creature is out of touch and is doing EXACTLY what he has been whining about others doing.  Double Standards.  Moron.

CBS News: (go figure)

Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right-wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division.

“But somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and faith started being used to drive us apart. Faith got hijacked, partly because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, all too eager to exploit what divides us,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in a 30-minute speech before a national meeting of the United Church of Christ.

“At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design,” he said.

June 22, 2007 Posted by | Democrats, Editorials, Edwards, Elections 2008, Hillary, Obama, Terrorists | 2 Comments