Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

15 Morons…

Fifteen Morons, aka Liberal Dolts

The following is an article written by JB Williams. I have never met him but I like his style and that which he writes. I don’t necessarily agree 100% of the time but the differences we may have are so petty, it isn’t even worth whining about.

This particular article, however, I agree with 110%. Why? Wouldn’t you like to know? Perhaps, one day, when my book is approved to be written, one will understand The Why. Until then, you will have to want to know.

Please visit the web site of JB Williams.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Impeachment of Vice President Cheney

Written by JB Williams

©2007 USA

Finally, a few congressional Democrats over in the peoples House have developed the backbone to actually stake their reputations and careers on the campaign rhetoric surrounding Iraq intelligence that led them to vote in favor of regime change in Iraq.

On April 24, 2007, Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich filed Articles of Impeachment against sitting Vice President Richard Cheney alleging unconstitutional misconduct, high crimes and misdemeanors on the basis of intentionally manipulated pre-war intelligence which resulted in both houses of congress voting overwhelmingly to authorize use of military force to depose the Hussein regime in Iraq.

Since that date, Kucinich has been joined by 11 cosponsors with 3 more looking to add their names to the bill, bringing support for Impeachment to 15 House Democrats.

Joining Kucinich are his cosponsors Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] – 5/1/2007, Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] – 5/1/2007, Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] – 5/10/2007, Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] – 6/6/2007, Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] – 6/7/2007, Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] – 6/7/2007, Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] – 6/12/2007, Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] – 6/28/2007, Rep Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [GA-4] – 6/28/2007, Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] – 7/10/2007, Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] – 7/10/2007, with Reps Sam Farr (CA-D), Bob Filner (CA-D) and Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL-D) looking to join the effort.

Please take a moment to make special note of each name on this list. Why, you ask?

Allow me to introduce you to the 15 dumbest individuals to ever occupy space in the United States House of Representatives, and oh, let me count the ways…

I linked the actual Articles of Impeachment above, so that you can verify my summary and document their insane ignorance for yourself. But in short, their charges revolve around the assertion that Vice President Richard Cheney misled Americans and specifically congress into supporting regime change in Iraq on the basis of false statements concerning Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, essentially doctoring intelligence to suit a predetermined agenda to depose the Hussein regime.

They make this charge on the basis that the following statements were used to trick America into war with Iraq and that these statements were all false.

The problem is not nuclear testing; it is nuclear weapons. … The number of Third World countries with nuclear capabilities seems to grow daily. Saddam Hussein’s near success with developing a nuclear weapon should be an eye-opener for us all.” One of the most compelling threats we in this country face today is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Threat assessments regularly warn us of the possibility that…Iraq…may acquire or develop nuclear weapons.If you don’t believe…Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn’t vote for me.Serving on the Intelligence Committee and seeing day after day, week after week, briefings on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons, he cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons, it’s just that simple. The whole world changes if Saddam ever has nuclear weapons.” Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons-inspection process.” We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.”

The problem is that these statements were not made by Vice President Dick Cheney, though Cheney’s related statements which appear in the Articles of Impeachment were in complete alignment with each of these statements, as were the statements of so many others here and abroad.

These statements were all made by congressional Democrats, before, during and after any Bush administration assessments of an Iraq threat. Namely, in order of the quotes above, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, John Kerry, John Edwards, Nancy Pelosi and Teddy Kennedy, all of whom have since accused the Bush administration of “lying” for making these same statements.

In fact, those of you who want to know why we are in Iraq should take a moment to watch this video which explains it so well. Here are the very statements that led congress to authorize military force to affect regime change in Iraq.

The Articles go on to make another important assertion. That Cheney (and Bush) made an effort to make a false connection between Iraq (the Hussein regime) and 9/11. Although any reader can make the connection themselves by reading the bi-partisan 911 Commission Report, page 66 to be exact, Bush and Cheney actually made no special effort to connect Hussein to 911, other than to ask the appropriate folks if there was any connection. They didn’t need to…

This Impeachment charge flies in the face of the evidence, specifically Bush’s own statement just nine days after 9/11, in which he said before the world, “Americans are asking, “Who attacked our country?” The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known as al Qaeda.” Note the missing reference to Iraq… When specifically asked in a news briefing, Bush later answered, “there is no evidence to suggest that Hussein or Iraq were in any way involved with the events of 9/11.”

Of course, Hillary Clinton said it differently, “Hussein has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.”

When later asked by the press why we had to depose the Hussein regime after 9/11, Bush answered, “It is clear, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security. – Now this much is undisputed.” OH – NO! Sorry, this isn’t a Bush statement. – This statement was made by Senator Hillary Clinton (D)… moments before she voted to authorize war in Iraq.

Bush actually answered that question this way, “The history, the logic and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein regime is a grave and gathering danger. To suggest otherwise is to hope against the evidence. To assume this regime’s good faith is to bet the lives of millions and the peace of the world in a reckless gamble, and this is a risk we must not take.” – “The first time we may be completely certain he has nuclear weapons is when, God forbid, he uses one. We owe it to all our citizens to do everything in our power to prevent that day from coming.” (Note the missing words “imminent threat”)

Now – I’m not bringing this Impeachment effort and these facts to your attention because I think this political witch hunt is going anywhere. Even the 15 morons who signed on to this nonsense know that this is about as far as this initiative is going to go.

I bring this to your attention because the people have a right to know just how stupid, partisan and petty their politicians really are. This cast of fifteen fools top the list of House Representatives who are just too ignorant for their own good, much less the good of the American people. It’s time for all of them to find a career better suited to their lacking IQs. Idiots like this are dangerous with even an ounce of power.

We have heard these assertions for years now and finally, someone has put the charges and the alleged evidence on paper so that we can take a close up look at what they are alleging. In a perfect world, this bill would pass congress with 100% approval and proceed to trial without delay.

A legal trial would prove two things once and for all.

First, that Bush & Cheney took appropriate preventive (aka pre-emptive) action to ensure that terror organizations like Al Qaeda could not acquire raw weapons grade materials to be used in their unconventional martyr delivery system via other enemies like the Hussein regime. That regime change in Iraq was indeed a forgone agenda, as of 1998 when Clinton and congress made regime change in Iraq the official US policy on Iraq.

Second, – that these fifteen members of the House are just too stupid to remain in office.

One of two things is true and their filing of this Impeachment brief proves it.

Either Democrat members of congress failed to do their job of independently reviewing all related intelligence on Iraq before voting to send American troops into harms way, an option hard to prove since most of them made the same argument for deposing Hussein as Bush long before Bush made them, or, these Democrats are foolish liars trapped in their own web of deception, caught between what they are saying now and what they were saying then.

All evidence points to the latter.

I’d love to see this brief presented in any court in America…. Better than Cheney and the Bush policy on Iraq being completely exonerated, would be the circus that ended in the Impeachment of fifteen foolish and irresponsible House members who really must find a career better suited to their limited aptitude.

I’m thinking a traveling sideshow of Gucci clad dancing jackasses….

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Civil War, Communists, Congress, Democrats, Ethics, Lame Stream Media, Leftinistra, Politics, Progressives, Socialists | Leave a comment

On Hillary and Scooter Libby

By now, even the jerks on the left know that the “issue” with Scooter Libby was a manufactured BDS driven witch hunt. Fitzgerald KNEW from the beginning that Armitage was the leaker of the non-covert bitch Valerie Plame and her retarded and wussified dweeb of a coward husband knew as well.

Is my angst showing?

This is what makes Czarina’s statement about the commutation of Libby’s sentence the real joke of the day. This woman, and I use that term loosely, is no better than Fitzgerald and Armitage. Knowing the truth and doing nothing of it equates to needing to be euthanized. They should all check in immediately to wherever Kavorkian is hanging out so he can assist them with the relieving themselves of all this BDS hatred. It would the best they could do for this country. They just plain suck.

Here is what the idiot that would be King (she has to have a bigger unit than Bill does):

Liberals Cry about Bush commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby


Liberals are all upset about President Bush pardoning Scooter Libby.


Senator Clinton issued the following statement on President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby:

“Today’s decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law. This case arose from the Administration’s politicization of national security intelligence and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies. Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the consequences of this White House’s efforts to quell dissent. This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.”

That criminal Hillary DARES claim someone is above the law? PLEASE! Spare us the bullshit! Hillary is a QUACK!

Please visit the site above to see the list of PARDONS Bill The Cigar Boy Sex Fiend and Addict issued. WHERE WAS HILLARY’S ANGST THEN? Oh. Wait. Her brother-in-law was pardoned by Billy Bob Can’t Keep His Pants Zipped Moron. I see. And Scooter Libby was the attorney! GO FIGURE!

What a schmuck this Hillary creep is. DAMN!

July 3, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Democrats, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, History, Injustice, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, Libby, Morons, Socialists, Trolls | 3 Comments

On Polls: GWB and CONgress

GWB plunges in the polls.

Congress plunges lower than GWB.


June 27, 2007 Posted by | Congress, Ethics, GWB, Politics, Polls | Leave a comment

Which Fred Is Running?

From JB Williams, via email:

Which Fred is Running for President?
Written by JB Williams

I probably know more about Fred Thompson than any other candidate, which is why I worked with my reader base to help draft Fred into the ’08 Presidential race. But that doesn’t mean that an honest concerned American doesn’t need to ask the right questions before climbing fully onboard any political train today.

If Jesus Christ himself were running today, we’d have to ask the same questions in light of today’s deception and corruption filled arena of national politics, especially if Jesus is now a member of CFR. So, though I’m thrilled that Fred Thompson has answered the people’s call to run, I’m still waiting to see which Fred is going to run.

Will it be the real pro-American, conservative, plain-spoken good-ole-boy from down south Fred Thompson, who knows what he thinks, says what he thinks and makes no apologies for what he thinks?

Or will it be the new and improved Fred Thompson, spit shined by the globalist oriented and liberal leaning Council on Foreign Relations? – The organization largely responsible for turning a good American conservative family into a spineless bunch of so-called “compassionate conservatives” whose greatest accomplishment might just be their destruction of the Republican Party and true American conservatism.

We’re about to find out when Fred soon formally announces his candidacy, expected to take place on or around Independence Day.

Just in case Fred is reading this morning, I’ll make my personal plea for the real Fred Thompson to stand up, the one the people drafted… the one that can not be manipulated into policy platforms that the real Fred would never support, just for political expediency.

Senator Fred Thompson stood with the conservative base of the Republican Party

* Strongly Opposed to Abortion
* Supportive of Gender & Ethnic Equality
* Strongly Opposed to Special Treatment based on Sexual Orientation
* Opposed to “hate-crime” protections based on Sexual Orientation
* Supports teaching family values in school
* Opposes any Federal Health Care System
* Supports privatizing Social Security
* Strongly supports school vouchers and parental choice
* Supports a death penalty for violent crimes
* Strongly supports Gun ownership rights
* Opposes welfare for illegal aliens
* Supports an immigrant work visa program
* Supports fair free trade
* Supports honest campaign financing and reporting
* Supports stronger intelligence, military and security spending
* Supports International Peace Keeping Coalitions
* Opposes government waste and growth
* Supports efforts to reduce and eliminate illegal drug use
* Supports allowing churches to provide community support

Recently, Thompson spoke plainly about the current illegal immigration problem… in a radio message titled Southern Exposure.

In an interview with conservative radio host Mark Levin, Thompson commented on the current Washington wrangling over the illegal immigrant vote, – “The Democrats have decided that the politicians that make it the easiest for people to come into this country are going to get their votes. And some of the Republicans are looking at that and saying, “They may just be right, and we want to get in on the action.” I think that’s driving a lot of this. You know, I don’t know the answer to that, but if you study history, you come to the conclusion that doing the right thing often times works out. We can’t predict how this is going to work or how that’s going to work, but when the rule of law is at stake, when national security is at stake, when you’re doing some things that’s unfair to good people who are standing in line waiting their turn to be good United States citizens legally, then you have to put that [politics] aside.”

At this late stage of a problem that has been allowed to exist since the closing of Ellis Island in the 50’s, anyone who claims to know exactly which silver bullet will solve the illegal immigrant problem is either an outright liar or an idiot. But starting from a very conservative pro-law enforcement position is certainly a good start.

He’s technically not yet in the race, but already leading the field for the nomination.

I predict that if Fred gets this issue right in his campaign platform, he will trounce not only all other Republican candidates in the RNC primaries, but every other candidate running for the oval office. Both conservatives and liberals are angry over the current push for amnesty in Washington. If Fred can come up with the right answer to the hottest political issue in America today, he will be all but impossible to beat in ’08. (Note to Fred – NO Amnesty!)

On the other hand, if he allows his friends over at the globally compassionate CFR to make another Bush out of him, he will find his poll numbers looking much like that of President Bush, or worse yet, that of congress.

Thompson could face the Clintons in the general election. One would hope that he would stick to his traditional candor when reminding voters of the Thompson Committee Report, which investigated real political corruption on a monumental scale.

The report called for criminal prosecution of the Clintons for their role in our nation’s most egregious campaign funding scandals. That report was deep sixed by Clinton crony Janet Reno and completely buried by the lamestream press which was blindly committed to keeping the Clintons in power, no matter their traitorous criminal activities.

I like the real Fred Thompson very much and so do all the people across this nation who worked hard to get him into the race. The fact that he’s the only candidate in the race smart enough to not really want the most thankless job in the world shows two important Thompson character traits.

1) He’s obviously no dummy… for only a dummy would want the hell that comes with running for and being President of the United States today.

2) When called to serve, despite a comfortable acting career, money in the bank, a beautiful young family and his golden years in sight, Thompson agreed to answer a call to serve once again, this time on behalf of the people who have had their fill of typical Washington nonsense, from both political parties.

If Fred can manage to emerge from his whirlwind grooming process, surrounded by literally hundreds of CFR members anxious to set his agenda, with his own soul and agenda intact, he will be a formidable candidate to be reckoned with and he may well make one of the greatest American Presidents, at a time when America very much needs just such a leader.

I’m pulling for you Fred… and so are many Americans, conservatives in particular, who feel completely unrepresented in Washington today. We’re still the American majority and we’re looking for a chance to prove it!

Represent us please, since nobody else in Washington wants to anymore…

June 22, 2007 Posted by | Elections 2008, Ethics, Fred | 4 Comments

On Democrats and Terrorism

These clowns never give up. Well, neither do I. I just don’t have, like Dennis Miller said, the opportunity others do to get the word out. I try hard via the blogs I write for and visit.

I was called to attention of a certain topic by a blogger hailing by madconductor. We at the Victory Caucus serve but one purpose and one purpose only…TOTAL VICTORY in this Global War On Terror. Unfortunately, there are some that don’t have the stomach for the requirements needed for a TOTAL VICTORY in the Global War On Terror.

If you are a member of the Victory Caucus, you will have access to madconductor’s post I am about to expound upon. He left a post on a particular thread, complete with several links which, I will place here in due time. Let us begin.


I enjoy reading Douglas Farah’s blog. He has posted what I think is an interesting summary and analysis of Hamas and its future in Gaza – and offers a few noteworthy observations:

  1. Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood are in a love-hate relationship because Hamas participated in the elections.

  2. Zawahiri severly chastised Hamas over their “political process”. It became so intense that they battled each other on their web sites.

  3. While there is no disagreement with Al-Qaeda types on long term goals, the tactics to achieve them had estranged Hamas from their more violent brethren. This has obviously changed.

Update: Robert Spencer has an observation on the Muslim Brotherhood and Keith Ellison – who has agreed to speak at a banquet for them, even though CAIR has been named an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding case.

You might find Farah’s post interesting along with another observation he makes of the pushback that the DOJ is undertaking with CAIR and the ISNA.

The Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) Now Faces Difficult Decisions:

Some in Hamas are openly discussing making the Gaza Strip Islamic state.

I would think this would give pause to those who repeatedly say that the Ikhwan could and would accept the results of elections and have and will work with non-Islamist coalition partners to advance a broad agenda.

Hamas showed that the discourse of dialogue and coalition building and the strategy participating in a process its ideologues cannot completely control, will be thrown out if the chance for armed victory emerges.

As destructive as the fighting with Fatah has been in general, it will open the door for a thawing of relations between Hamas and the Salafist groups. The future of that relationship should tell us a great deal about what the real intentions are of Hamas, and by extension, the Muslim Brotherhood.

A Small Step Forward:


Well, it seems that after the Department of Justice’s decision to name CAIR and ISNA as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case, the senior leadership at the DOJ has suddenly discovered “scheduling conflicts” that will not allow its leaders to meet the Islamist leader in a planned community outreach program.


The June 27 event, to have been presided over by AG Alberto Gonzalez, is now not being held. A panelist was to have been the vice president of ISNA. Several prominent CAIR members, as well as many of its allies, were to be present.


It seems to me this is the first time the DOJ has had the intestinal fortitude to take a step back away from groups that have pushed their way into the public arena as representatives of the Muslim community while simultaneously having several of its members investigated and indicted by the federal government in terrorism related cases and other cases.

At the same time, it seems that CAIR, which holds itself out as the representative of the Muslim community in the United States, has seen its membership plummet 90 percent since 9-11.

“They” are on the move. “They” being Enemies of The State, a Clear and present Danger to the survival of the American way of life and our traditional values. Their are people that HATE those traditional values and do whatever it takes to eliminate them, even if it means getting in bed with the terrorists to make it so.

Keith Ellison to speak at banquet of unindicted co-conspirator in terror funding case:

That’s right, a United States Congressman, Keith Ellison (D-MN), is going to speak at a CAIR banquet, despite the fact that CAIR has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding case.

Joe Kaufman is right: Ellison should resign.

An Americans Against Hate press release:



(Coral Springs, FL) Tonight, June 16, 2007, Congressman Keith Ellison will be a featured speaker at the First Annual Banquet of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Minnesota). This, after CAIR had just been named an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a Hamas financing case put forward by the United States government.

Ellison, less than three weeks ago, was the keynote speaker at the 4th Annual Convention of the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS-Minnesota). While he spoke, MAS-Minnesota had on its website material discussing waging war against non-Muslims and the murdering of Jews. The material is still located on the group’s site.

Following his appearance, Americans Against Hate (AAH) demanded that Congressman Ellison denounce MAS for its anti-Semitic and anti-Christian statements or resign from office. Ellison has remained silent on the issue.

AAH Chairman Joe Kaufman, stated, “Being that Keith Ellison refuses to denounce the Muslim American Society, and being that he is now going to be speaking at an event sponsored by a group named by the U.S. government as a co-conspirator to Hamas, we have no choice but to call on Keith Ellison to resign from his held office as United States Representative. Congressman Ellison, by openly cavorting with bigoted and pro-terrorist elements in our society, can no longer work for the best interests of our nation.”


June 19, 2007 Posted by | Congress, Democrats, Ethics, GWOT, History, Jerks, Jihadists, Leftinistra, M.I.T., Morons, Multiculturalism, Politics, Studies In Islam, Terrorists, Treason, Trolls, Two-Faced | 1 Comment

Jihadistan States of the Former USA

Not only do we have Jihadi “compounds” springing up all over America, Islamberg, NY being one of them, now we have “special” schools dedicated to Islamists in the “Putrid”  School System and Universities installing Jihadi foot-washing basins.

What would be the political and public falderal be if there were publicly funded “special” schools for, say, hell…name a group.  How about one for the Hispanic Jews against Methodists?  Or, perhaps the Southern Baptist School of Baptism Technics?  How about the Satanists Unity Church of the Lost Virgin?

What is with this TAX funded “special” school?

Parents at P.S. 282 have just learned that a portion of their building is about to be given over to the Khalil Gibran International Academy, a new school that the New York Times reported will be New York’s “first public school dedicated to teaching the Arabic language and culture.”

This is just flat out wrong and so is the “foot-washing” basins for Jihadis in my country.  American tax dollars are now funding a “religious” organization.  What ever happened to that separation of church and state thing the Leftinistra have been yammering about for years?

I will be adding to this post from time to time or at least linking back to it.  At the moment, I am too pissed off to continue coherently.

June 17, 2007 Posted by | Education, Ethics, Jihadists, Justice, Multiculturalism, Racism, Separation of Church and State, Studies In Islam, Terrorists, Two-Faced | 5 Comments

Ethics and Democrats

The two don’t mesh.  Behold:


Ethics and the Clintons

We have brought to your attention in previous posts the ill gotten gains of the Clintons and the Pelosis via the InfoUSA scandal both here and here. We have also brought to your attention the Double Standards of the Clintons here, and elsewhere.

Now, we would like you to ponder this revelation. Hillary has enlisted the dubious character of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as she courts the Hispanic vote. She has also enlisted the dubious character of Alcee Hastings to lend the “special talents” of such an individual.

In this revelation previously mentioned, one should be asking, “What the hell?”. I, for one, would like to know just what is going on in Nevada. Rory Reid, Harry Reid’s son, runs Clinton’s western efforts. It seems that the Pelosis and the Clintons and the Reids are all in bed with each other; no pun intended.

We have the Clintons on the payroll of InfoUSA. We have the Pelosi’s son on the payroll of InfoUSA. We have the son of the Reids running Hillary’s western ops. We have Rory Reid heavily involved with the mob and Nevada gambling establishments and we have Harry Reid involved with mob connections, connected to land fraud and schemes in Nevada.

And these people dare and have the audacity to preach to law-abiding citizens about ethics, honesty, integrity and reform? Spare me the insidious and duplicitous double standards of the American Democratic Party.

Especially when it comes to Hillary White Water Travelgate Rodham not-Rodham Clinton.

June 16, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Ethics, Pelosi, Reid | 4 Comments

The Clintonistas


In Hillary’s Senate Financial Disclosure Report, there are listings as to just how much cash these two are raking in.  How dare they whine about how the rich are exploiting the poor.  I don’t begrudge people making as much money they so choose to make.  That is one of the MANY advantages this country allows people to do.  There are NO guarantees.  But,  if you are going to make zillions of US dollars, don’t run around whining about all those evil businesses with their “windfall” profits and saying you are going to take your ill gotten wealth (gains) and redistribute it to those in need, all the while pocketing YOUR wealth, ill gotten or otherwise.

On the speaking circuit, the former President Clinton made more than $10 million in paid speeches last year, according to new filings that show he and his presidential- candidate wife have at least $10 million in the bank, and may have closer to $50 million.   As a side-bar, I wouldn’t pay a single wooden nickel to hear him speak about anything.

And, apparently, the Clintons are deeply involved with CLSA, the fifth largest bank in the world.

CLSA is a leading brokerage, investment banking and private equity group in the Asia-Pacific Markets. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CLSA’s major shareholder is France’s Credit Agricole, which merged in 2003 with Credit Lyonnais, to form the 5th largest bank in the world by assets and the 5th largest bank in the world by Tier One capital. CLSA enjoys substantial staff ownership which contributes to its independent stance and operations.

Somethings just make me wonder.

June 15, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Ethics, Hillary, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, M.I.T., Morons, Politics, Treason, Trolls, Two-Faced | Leave a comment

Hillary’s Rub

The originality of Hillary Rodham (or no Rodham) Clinton is lacking originality. It never ceases to amaze this writer that the Leftinistra seem to resort to copying others for some mysterious reason. One could suppose that imitation is the primo example of flattery. In this case, it is merely flatulence.

HilaryHub is really Hillary’s Rub. It is her way to strike against the opposition and it isn’t going to go very far. Her advisers, one can postulate, said it would be a grand idea to emulate The Drudge Report. The problem with that line of thinking is that The Drudge Report presents all sides to all issues. He reports and you decide, as it were. With Hillary’s Rub, the presentations are one-sided. The authors presented, depict Hillary as a caring, semi-evangelical and “nice” individual that deserves to be President of The United States. The site is also designed to “tweak” opposition folks…such as I. The only thing “tweaked” is my laugher…I nearly had an “accident” laughing as hard as I did. I made a slight reference to this site here on a previous post.

At the Politico:

HillaryHub isn’t a typical campaign site. With a simple, three-column look, occasionally edgy headlines and links to a blend of videos, reports from newspapers and blogs and campaign memos, it’s a news aggregator on the model of the Drudge Report. The difference, of course, is that the stories are chosen to depict Clinton favorably and to tweak her critics.

When The Politico posted an internal Obama campaign memo aimed at raising the expectations for Clinton’s fundraising, HillaryHub linked to it under the headline: “Obama Camp Touts Hillary’s Poll Numbers and Endorsements.”

Imagine that. Links to sites like sacbee, touting the 1984 VP selection, Geraldine Ferraro, in the DNC camp is to show us, what? I viral feminist? Is that a good thing? She didn’t learn her lesson, then? She ran with Mondale. That wasn’t such a grand idea now, was it?

Wednesday, Ferraro visited the Sacramento offices of Global Consulting Group, a New York-headquartered public affairs firm for which she is a senior adviser. She endorsed Clinton’s candidacy in April, declaring: “By electing Hillary Clinton, we can smash the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all.”

Is that what Hillary is all about? Shattering glass ceilings? How does that relate to the Global War On Terror?

Interns? This article at the Hillary Rub, is intended to debunk the recent books all about the Real Hillary.

If you want to understand the woman who would be president, don’t bother to read the latest avalanche of recycled biographies – just ask her interns.

Oh, I see. Hillary’s interns know best. Well versed authors, taking years to investigate and interview a plethora of people close to and contrary to Hillary surely wouldn’t know better than interns. Who did the authors interview? Were there no “former interns” of Hillary anywhere to be found?

This Hillary Rub is doomed. It is domed because it is based on a lie but the Democrats are GREAT at promoting their lies as truth. The gullible fall for anything.

That was just three of the twenty articles displaying Hillary as the New Wonder Woman. She is a wonder alright. I wonder what in the hell she is up to.

June 14, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, Jerks, Leadership, Leftinistra, Morons, Politics | 1 Comment

Sex, Lies and Videotape meets Disney’s Fantasyland…or Your Typical Liberal in 2007

Today’s liberals are ranting, foaming at the mouth and talking on point from their mother-ship–or George Soros at, depending on whether or not they’ve changed their tin-foil hats and black sheets over their window that day and on who gets to them first upon awakening.

They are angry because the silent majority–the sleeping giant–is awakening and not putting up with their crap anymore. They’re angry because congress ran on lies and deceit and they voted in those criminals. They’re angry because REAL AMERICANS don’t want to live in a socialistic country, appeasing criminals such as themselves and the islamofascists.

They preach they’re full of love, peace, tolerance, freedom of speech and diversity. And, they are–to a point. That point is up until you disagree with them and voice your own opinion.

They’re furious because the war in Iraq and the GWOT is going well. They’re furious because we have an excellent economy and taxes were cut to achieve that economy. They’re terrified because Republicans are showing candidates much stronger on the issues than anyone they’re fielding. Republicans, REAL AMERICANS, don’t want more entitlements, they want less; we don’t want tax increases, we want the tax cuts to stay and more money in our own pockets; because we’re tired of generational welfare and lazy pieces of shit sitting on their asses expecting the government to support them from cradle to grave while bitching; they’re terrified because WE GET IT on the islamofascists and they don’t; they want to appease, we want to WIN. They want to murder with impunity and call it abortion–and if you disagree you’re a religious right freak. Or you have no morals because you want lazy pieces of shit to get off their ghetto stoop, quit dealing drugs, gang-banging,committing crimes and popping out babies every nine months, not knowing who the child’s daddy’s are (and of course wanting the government to support those children too) and become responsible adults.

They’re mad because we listen to rational radio rather than bullshit–and because no one wanted to listen to the bullshit and the liberal stations went down they want the “fairness doctrine” reinstated.

We’re supposed to accept the immorality of homosexuality, susie has two mommy’s or two daddy’s, their spin doctor lies (get us off foreign oil, it’s all about big oil–yet THEY blocked drilling on our own oil fields because of “environmentalism”), global warming bullshit, et. al.

Well, I have this to say to them—FUCK YOU!

Perhaps the best illustration of this grandiose, delusional, paranoid, kumbaya singing, appeasment is this that was posted at Snooper’s by a troll that has met the legal criteria of cyber stalker. And, as a special treat, I’ll be posting comments he made here.

This particular piece of filth on the bottom of my shoe claims he’s Christian and sits in judgment on everyone else. Yet, he gambles for a living, lies about his wealth, passes off his child’s immorality (how did his child get that way to begin with?) and any accomplishments anyone has of their own, he calls them “liar”. He contributes nothing to any discussion (except entertainment and even then he’s boring)–however, he does illustrate the typical liberal of today. Hiding behind a monitor and keyboard, he thinks he’s safe. Unfortunately, he’s not as safe as he thinks.

I won’t post his blog name–no sense giving out his address to right thinking individuals who will be outraged by him. We don’t want to stoop to his level (subterranean is still way above his level). Oh, he also brags about the millions he makes in the stock market (I have NEVER known anyone with any kind of wealth to “speak” like this–people with money, new or old, are much more urbane and polished) while skipping from IP to IP–probably because he can’t afford his own computer. He has faked his service record (and this has been verified) and denigrates the troops that are fighting and dying for his right to spew his filth. And lies so often about so many things he can’t keep them all straight. He also claims, repeatedly, great intelligence. It is a known fact that those that brag about it 1) ain’t got it and 2) don’t degenerate into the kind of filth he does. That includes sexual prowess as well, again something he brags about constantly. He also shows, quite clearly in this piece, he never learned how to raise a child properly, just like most liberals and actually condones the COMPLETE LACK OF MORALS he instilled in his offspring.

For those who, at first glance, think this is actually an innocuous piece of nothing, I’ll be making my own comments to point out the poisons hiding in the piece–and the lies.


Here, then, for your entertainment:


This was published in Snooper’s comments Section on June 12, 2007 at 7:50 p.m.

My younger son planned a trip to Egypt in the spring right after 9/11 (okay–9/11 happened in the fall, at least 6 months earlier than claimed as “right after 9/11”). I told him he was out of his freaking mind because of all of the dangers I thought he’d be exposing himself to over there. He told me I worry too much and that he’d be fine. He had met 2 Egyptian airlines stewardesses who invited him to stay with them in their country for a couple of weeks. (Translation–he wanted to get laid and couldn’t find an American desparate enough for him) I couldn’t change his mind no matter how hard I pleaded with him. (Plead HELL–REAL parents DON’T plead with their children–they don’t have to if you’ve raised them properly!) If you knew this kid you would know that I couldn’t change his mind from the time he was about 8 months old so it was a losing cause. (Meaning I never bothered to discipline him and appeased him all his life) The day arrived for his departure and I drove him to the train that would take him to the airport for his trip to Egypt. I told him to call us as soon as he arrived over there and bade him goodbye.

Two days passed until he called (TWO DAYS? What the hell kind of kid waits two days in a time of crisis?) to tell us he was fine so my wife and I stopped worrying. On the 3rd day he called again to say he needed to stay at the hotel instead of the girls’ home and that he would need us to wire him some money to do so. I was confused because he’d given us the impression that the only thing he had to pay for was the plane fare, which was discounted because the girls were able to get him an employee rate. He explained that they’d had an argument and the girls told him they never wanted to see him again. I found out later that he’d given them some kind of bull that had them believing he was wealthy. (Translation: he wanted to get laid really bad and couldn’t find an American desparate enough so he had to lie to these two young women)They thought they were going to freeload off of him while he thought the exact thing about them. (And he claims to have raised his children properly and to have the morals he has–which begs the question, what morals?) Anyway it was too confusing but I wanted to kill him for screwing up, again, for the millionth time. Once more, if you had known this kid you would have known he was notorious for getting himself into jams, which I or my wife had to bail him out of (REAL PARENTS don’t bail their kids out of jams but let the children suffer the natural consequences of their actions–it’s called love and logic, tough love, etc.)

He said that he’d met an Egyptian cab driver named Hasid whom my son hired as his travel guide in the country for the remainder of his stay there. (He had to call mommy and daddy for hotel money but could afford a private cab driver/tour guide?) Hasid drove him all over the place, pointing out different interesting sites that most tourists are unaware of. (And, I have some nice, beachfront property in Oklahoma to sell you–ALL CABDRIVERS SHOW ALL THEIR FARES THE INTERESTING PLACES, TELLING THE FARES THE SAME THINGS) My son and Hasid became good friends, sharing stories about their families. My son told me that he realized that there wasn’t really much difference between people over here and people in Egypt – their concerns and goals are the same. They care about their families and want them to prosper and be healthy. One day, while driving around, Hasid said he had to stop at the market place to pick up some food for his family. He had to feed a family of 6 kids, a wife, and a couple of other relatives who lived with them. (Must have been a shock to the son to see a man who supported his family rather than mooching off them) My son accompanied him at the market and noticed that Hasid was taking great care to make sure to purchase only what was absolutely needed to feed his family without running out of money. (DUH—it’s called a budget–maybe the son should try an honest job and a budget instead of trying to swindle and con people!) My son managed to give Hasid some money without insulting him by saying it was the ‘bonus’ he was going to give him, on his last day there, for spending so much time showing him the sites of Egypt. Hasid finally accepted the money but insisted that my son go home with him for dinner. The kid accepted the invitation and visited with Hasid’s family until the wee hours of the following morning. He said they wouldn’t let him leave – they kept asking all kinds of questions about America. My son said that he found out the regular, ordinary folks over there love our country and the people who live here. It’s the government they have a problem with – no different than us over here, right? WRONG–WE HAVE PROBLEMS WITH LIBERAL ASSHOLES–SEE THE PICTURE ABOVE

The following day after they visited a couple of other sites, Hasid asked my son if he would like to accompany the Egyptian to a local café where some of his friends hung out. My son said okay so they went. They met with a few of Hasid friends – some of them spoke almost perfect English. (Well DUH–We educate a vast majority of them in our colleges!) For the next few hours they spoke, once more, about America. My son told me that their view was the same as those Hasid’s family shared with him the night before. One of them said, “Bush is an a**hole but we know that many of you Americans also think this, yes?” My son burst out laughing and replied “Yeah, especially my Dad – Bush actually makes him sick sometimes and he can’t even listen to him talk. Whenever he comes on the T.V. my father or mother immediately change the channel to another station. (Bush’s approval ratings were the highest–in fact at their peak–during this so-called put down of Bush–no war, no rumblings of war, so why would any Egyptian be bitching about Bush? THEY WEREN’T)

After my son told me about how he had interacted with the people in Egypt I can’t tell you how proud I was of him. I mean, he went over there without a thought about anything except those 2 girls (And lying to get into their pants, passing himself off as something he wasn’t, calling mommy and daddy to bail him out and yet had enough for a private tour guide–yeah, LOTS to be proud of!) and wound up spreading MORE good will in his short time over there than any government program could have. (More like confirmed what they already had as a preconceived thought as ugly, lazy, pampered Americans) He represented everything that is good about our country – without any of the governmental bull. He was an ambassador of good will and showed a few people, in another country, the real face of America. (Nah, just confirmed their preconceived notions and the son was too stupidly liberal–like his father–to see it)

I thought about my own experience with people from other countries and how similar it was with that of my son in Egypt. I realized, once more, that people really don’t ‘hate us for our freedom’ as the deluded decider (from the way this one talks, he would LOVE to be the “decider” and whines because he’s not) likes to say. They only hate what this government has caused throughout the world. When you talk to people one on one, like my son did during his stay in Egypt, you find that there really aren’t that many differences between us.

You also find that our government lies and distorts everything in order to push its own agenda throughout the world. (And you also find that underneath the thin veneer of civility shown to the world, they have also stated, in no uncertain terms, they don’t give a damn about our policies, freedoms, etc. They plan to annihilate us, plain and simple–but you’re too stupid to hear that)


His comments from two of my threads–there had been no comments posted prior to his drive-by assaults.

From Know Thine Enemy Part 14:

I started watching the video you have in your library titled ‘The Battle of New Orleans’. I couldn’t watch the entire thing because it made me ill. You are ONE sick mother fucker and if I am able to I am going to drive you out of here. You are the most disgusting neonazicon I’ve ever met and that’s saying alot. Spreading lies about an impoverished group of people you fucking bigot! And no, they didn’t shoot at helicopters – that was all right wing bull shit.

raoul 06.13.07 – 5:22 pm #

And, from Refutations of Idiocy Part 2:

go fuck yourself you dried up cunt.

raoul 06.13.07 – 5:23 pm #

Oh, and for those of you who want to keep this idiot off your own blogs, here are his IP addresses:


1); 2); 3); 4); 5) and 6) (See what I mean? He brags about his wealth, but obviously is using other people’s computers to do his “drive by’s” because he can’t afford his own computer).

June 14, 2007 Posted by | Communists, Conspiracy Morons, Ethics, Jerks, Leftinistra, Morons, Socialists, Trolls | 4 Comments