Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

Death & Damnation

Is there any life left in the Tree of Liberty? You’re it!  Summon up all your grit & determination and resolve that Liberty will prevail!

Originally posted by seneca264 at Jihad Chat.

It often amazes me how many evil forces are at work to secure the final destruction of this once great and mighty nation. I find it ironic that the biggest evil force at work is our own president Bush and his administration. I can only wonder what and when the next big “plan” is going to be hatched from the back offices of the White House that will once again drive a nail in the coffin of America. I was never one to give up, but this battle to secure our country and return it to some level of sanity seems to be moving farther and farther from the grasp of the American people. Sure, we have some victories now and then, but for every step we go forward, we take 5 steps back. At this rate, this country will not survive long. The anti-American organizations like the ACLU, La Raza, CAIR, etc are slowly buying the support of our federal, state, and local officials. These organizations have slowly crept into our courts and governments and have basically highjacked the American way of life. Our laws will be slowly changed, one at a time, so as not to alarm the public. Heck, most Americans are too stupid, lazy, or ignorant to even care or know what is going on in their own country, let alone do anything about it.

Yes folks, we deserve to lose our great country. We have been very poor caretakers of our freedoms. We have been reduced to moral cowards that lack resolve in the face of this evil onslaught. I often wonder what would have happened to this nation if the Sons of Liberty and our founding fathers had capitulated in their belief that the colonies should be free from a tyrannical form of government. Thank God for brave men willing to put their lives on the line to secure our freedoms. What a disgrace we would appear to them if they could see us now.

The American citizen has been successfully neutered by our government. We have been reduced to fighting with worthless votes and hollow threats towards our elected representatives not to support them in the next election. I am sure you have these turncoats quaking in their boots folks. Your elected officials no longer need your worthless vote to stay in power, they will garner their votes from the “new” Americans that they cater to. Just take a look at my state of South Carolina. We elected the traitor Lindsay Graham on a strictly conservative platform and now he is handing out our country to every illegal that enters the U.S.

Sorry folks, we lost the battle to save this country. I feel sorry for our children and their chidlren. We will leave a legacy of failing and cowardice. Our generation will be shamed for enternity.

September 2, 2007 Posted by | ACLU Morons, Bigots, CAIR, Clintons, Conspiracy Morons, Democrats, dhimmitude, Elections 2008, Enemies Within, Freedom, GWB, GWOT, Home Land Security, Illegal Immigration, Iraq, Islam, Jihad, Lame Stream Media, Multiculturalism, Patriotism, Political Correctness, Politics, Silent Majority, Socialists, Terrorists | Leave a comment

Hillary and Bafoons

Hillary Jilton Moonbat Clintonista’s Bafoonery

Here is another piece which we shall tear apart. It really is too easy and one of these days, the trolls are going to smarten up. Until then, these items will continue to be printed. Hillary is a glorified troll. She speaks in sound bytes and feel goods.

From The Hill: Clinton presents plan to end Iraq war

Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) Tuesday unveiled her plan to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq within 60 days of taking office.

“The Plan” of hers is still under the veil. “The Plan” also has the tone as that of RWR when he was taking office and had stated that one of the first things he would do was to bring our people home that Iran had kidnapped and held hostage for 444 days, thanks to Carter.

Note to Hillary…you ain’t no Reagan. No one of any intelligence is listening to you.

Clinton wants President Bush to end the war, but has said she would bring the troops home if the current administration fails to act.

Repeating the first entry doesn’t explain what The Plan is.

“The right strategy before the surge and post-escalation is the same: Start bringing home America’s troops now,” Clinton said in Iowa. “We have heard for years now that as the Iraqis stand up, our troops will stand down. Every year, we hear about how next year they may start coming home. Now we are hearing a new version of that yet again from the president as he has more troops in Iraq than ever and the Iraqi government is more fractured and ineffective than ever.”

Another distortion of the Leftinistra. Where are her assertions originating from? Who said what and can it be verified? The Leftinistra thrive on the “unnamed source” and the unsubstantiated. It makes it easier to explain the woopsies.

I seem to recall that Hillary APPROVED the strategy of General Petraeus as the Senate UNANIMOUSLY confirmed the General and His Plan. As soon as the plan was initiated, all of a sudden, it has failed and it is JUST now getting under way. It takes time for this war stuff, you know.

We are WINNING the war now and the Hillary Turds want to cut and run. Why do they fear a victory in Iraq? Easy to answer…they would have to admit that they have politicized the war and are directly at fault at the deaths on both sides of the war and they cannot afford that. It would be much better for them if no blame came their way.

Clinton promised to initiate phased redeployment as soon as she takes office. However, as part of her plan, specialized forces would remain to fight terrorists.

Where would she redeploy to? If we don’t have enough forces in theater to deal with the terrorists now, what makes her think that “specialized forces” (friggin’ moron can’t even get the terminology right) would fair any better?

With the absence of U.S. troops, the senator hopes to stabilize the country by focusing on aid efforts that put money in the hands of the Iraqi people.


In addition, Clinton plans to bring together U.S. allies, global powers and Iraq’s neighbors to stabilize the country.

Ah. I see. Money fixes all things. Aid fixes all things. We have seen in recent years what bribe money does, haven’t we? How many Islamic “nations” have we helped and aided only to have them “blow us up”? How many embassies were attacked? How many Americans were kidnapped and murdered? Where is the current evidence of gratitude from “nations we have aided”?

She mentioned “the absence of troops” and focusing on aid, etc. What about those “specialized forces”? What happened to them? Aren’t they troops?

She also mentioned “global powers” and “Iraq’s neighbors” to be used to “stabilize the country”. Is she on drugs? Don’t our CONgress Critters have to take those unconstitutional random drug screenings? What global powers and which neighbors?

Has anyone spotted the Bullshit Meter here besides me?

July 15, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Hillary | Leave a comment

On Hillary and Scooter Libby

By now, even the jerks on the left know that the “issue” with Scooter Libby was a manufactured BDS driven witch hunt. Fitzgerald KNEW from the beginning that Armitage was the leaker of the non-covert bitch Valerie Plame and her retarded and wussified dweeb of a coward husband knew as well.

Is my angst showing?

This is what makes Czarina’s statement about the commutation of Libby’s sentence the real joke of the day. This woman, and I use that term loosely, is no better than Fitzgerald and Armitage. Knowing the truth and doing nothing of it equates to needing to be euthanized. They should all check in immediately to wherever Kavorkian is hanging out so he can assist them with the relieving themselves of all this BDS hatred. It would the best they could do for this country. They just plain suck.

Here is what the idiot that would be King (she has to have a bigger unit than Bill does):

Liberals Cry about Bush commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby


Liberals are all upset about President Bush pardoning Scooter Libby.


Senator Clinton issued the following statement on President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby:

“Today’s decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law. This case arose from the Administration’s politicization of national security intelligence and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies. Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the consequences of this White House’s efforts to quell dissent. This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.”

That criminal Hillary DARES claim someone is above the law? PLEASE! Spare us the bullshit! Hillary is a QUACK!

Please visit the site above to see the list of PARDONS Bill The Cigar Boy Sex Fiend and Addict issued. WHERE WAS HILLARY’S ANGST THEN? Oh. Wait. Her brother-in-law was pardoned by Billy Bob Can’t Keep His Pants Zipped Moron. I see. And Scooter Libby was the attorney! GO FIGURE!

What a schmuck this Hillary creep is. DAMN!

July 3, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Democrats, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, History, Injustice, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, Libby, Morons, Socialists, Trolls | 3 Comments

Will Fitzgerald Go After The Real Criminal Now?

LOL!!  I Doubt it.  He would have to go after fellow Leftinistra if he did.  Like the Clintons; the family of turmoil, criminal activities and corruption.

Did Clinton Aide Tutor Valerie Plame?

Two days before outed CIA agent Valerie Plame testified before Congress, she and husband Joseph Wilson had dinner with Hillary Clinton — and an intriguing fourth party.

Joining the three was Sidney Blumenthal, a journalist who served as a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton for 3 1/2 years.

“Do you think they might have worked on talking points for Valerie’s congressional testimony?” wondered journalist Eileen McGann, co-author with Dick Morris of several books about the Clintons.

“Remember: Sidney was advising Hillary about how to spin the Lewinsky story. He’s the one who put out Hillary’s comments that Bill was just helping a troubled young girl.

“Sidney’s been awfully quiet lately, but maybe he’s been helping out the Wilsons — and thereby Mrs. Clinton too.”

McGann pointed to a passage in Hillary’s book “Living History,” about the morning Bill told her about news reports that he’d had an affair with a White House intern: “Bill woke me up early. He sat on the edge of the bed and said, ‘There’s something in today’s paper that you need to know about.’”

McGann compared that to comments Plame made before Congress about how she found out that columnist Robert Novak had revealed her identity as a CIA operative: “I found out very early in the morning when my husband came in and dropped the newspaper on the bed and said, ‘He [Novak] did it.’ And I quickly turned and read the article and I felt like I had been hit in the gut.”

July 2, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Hillary, Injustice, Justice, Leftinistra, Liars | 10 Comments

More Brain Dead NY Slimes Jibber-Jabber

Check this out and notice they “forgot” about this. (You will need to log in to the NYSlimes.)

The template for the Bush administration’s mania for secrecy was signed by the president six years ago – Executive Order 13233, reversing the presumption of right of public access to presidential papers. This basic right of taxpayers and historians alike was embedded in the 1978 laws enacted after the Nixon administration. The reforms established a reasonable 12-year waiting period for access. But Mr. Bush’s reversal lets presidents or vice presidents (guess who?) keep their records sealed in perpetuity unless they or their heirs approve access.

I guess a war-time environment has escaped the normalcy of the Leftinistra. These IDIOT reporters crack me up.

But it was OK for the Clintonistas to Executive Order American Socialism in with the hopes that one day Czarina will regain the helm under an elected reign and fully enact them.

Check out Executive Orders 12938 and 12919. These EOs were not made during a time of war. One should wonder just why they were made by the Chief Clintonista with the Vice-Clintonista’s blessings.

June 17, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Lame Stream Media, Liars | Leave a comment

Ethics and Democrats

The two don’t mesh.  Behold:


Ethics and the Clintons

We have brought to your attention in previous posts the ill gotten gains of the Clintons and the Pelosis via the InfoUSA scandal both here and here. We have also brought to your attention the Double Standards of the Clintons here, and elsewhere.

Now, we would like you to ponder this revelation. Hillary has enlisted the dubious character of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as she courts the Hispanic vote. She has also enlisted the dubious character of Alcee Hastings to lend the “special talents” of such an individual.

In this revelation previously mentioned, one should be asking, “What the hell?”. I, for one, would like to know just what is going on in Nevada. Rory Reid, Harry Reid’s son, runs Clinton’s western efforts. It seems that the Pelosis and the Clintons and the Reids are all in bed with each other; no pun intended.

We have the Clintons on the payroll of InfoUSA. We have the Pelosi’s son on the payroll of InfoUSA. We have the son of the Reids running Hillary’s western ops. We have Rory Reid heavily involved with the mob and Nevada gambling establishments and we have Harry Reid involved with mob connections, connected to land fraud and schemes in Nevada.

And these people dare and have the audacity to preach to law-abiding citizens about ethics, honesty, integrity and reform? Spare me the insidious and duplicitous double standards of the American Democratic Party.

Especially when it comes to Hillary White Water Travelgate Rodham not-Rodham Clinton.

June 16, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Ethics, Pelosi, Reid | 4 Comments

Stop Her Now Dot Com Is On The Move


Stop Her Now


The Washington Times

Inside Politics

By Jennifer Harper
Published June 15, 2007

Folks in Texas have a few notions about welcoming Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on her campaign stop there today.

Dick Collins, founder of the Dallas-based anti-Hillary “educational” group Stop Her Now, will fly a giant aerial banner over downtown Dallas this afternoon. The New York Democrat’s plane is due to stop and refuel sometime during that period.

“We want to make sure Senator Clinton receives a proper Texas welcome,” Mr. Collins said. “Our mission is to follow Hillary across the country, exposing her liberal ideology. Senator Clinton makes this easy when she drops into our back yard.”

The banner is rumored to say something along the lines of “rescue America from the radical ideas of Hillary.” The group has a substantial Web site, a blog, MySpace and Facebook pages and its own YouTube channel.

“Our Facebook group boasts more members than Senator Mike Gravel, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Sam Brownback, Governor Mike Huckabee, Representative Tom Tancredo, and Representative Duncan Hunter. We have become the most interactive presidential education Web site on the Internet,” Mr. Collins said.

June 15, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Elections 2008, Hillary, Politics | 1 Comment

The Clintonistas


In Hillary’s Senate Financial Disclosure Report, there are listings as to just how much cash these two are raking in.  How dare they whine about how the rich are exploiting the poor.  I don’t begrudge people making as much money they so choose to make.  That is one of the MANY advantages this country allows people to do.  There are NO guarantees.  But,  if you are going to make zillions of US dollars, don’t run around whining about all those evil businesses with their “windfall” profits and saying you are going to take your ill gotten wealth (gains) and redistribute it to those in need, all the while pocketing YOUR wealth, ill gotten or otherwise.

On the speaking circuit, the former President Clinton made more than $10 million in paid speeches last year, according to new filings that show he and his presidential- candidate wife have at least $10 million in the bank, and may have closer to $50 million.   As a side-bar, I wouldn’t pay a single wooden nickel to hear him speak about anything.

And, apparently, the Clintons are deeply involved with CLSA, the fifth largest bank in the world.

CLSA is a leading brokerage, investment banking and private equity group in the Asia-Pacific Markets. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CLSA’s major shareholder is France’s Credit Agricole, which merged in 2003 with Credit Lyonnais, to form the 5th largest bank in the world by assets and the 5th largest bank in the world by Tier One capital. CLSA enjoys substantial staff ownership which contributes to its independent stance and operations.

Somethings just make me wonder.

June 15, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Ethics, Hillary, Jerks, Leftinistra, Liars, M.I.T., Morons, Politics, Treason, Trolls, Two-Faced | Leave a comment

Hillary’s Rub

The originality of Hillary Rodham (or no Rodham) Clinton is lacking originality. It never ceases to amaze this writer that the Leftinistra seem to resort to copying others for some mysterious reason. One could suppose that imitation is the primo example of flattery. In this case, it is merely flatulence.

HilaryHub is really Hillary’s Rub. It is her way to strike against the opposition and it isn’t going to go very far. Her advisers, one can postulate, said it would be a grand idea to emulate The Drudge Report. The problem with that line of thinking is that The Drudge Report presents all sides to all issues. He reports and you decide, as it were. With Hillary’s Rub, the presentations are one-sided. The authors presented, depict Hillary as a caring, semi-evangelical and “nice” individual that deserves to be President of The United States. The site is also designed to “tweak” opposition folks…such as I. The only thing “tweaked” is my laugher…I nearly had an “accident” laughing as hard as I did. I made a slight reference to this site here on a previous post.

At the Politico:

HillaryHub isn’t a typical campaign site. With a simple, three-column look, occasionally edgy headlines and links to a blend of videos, reports from newspapers and blogs and campaign memos, it’s a news aggregator on the model of the Drudge Report. The difference, of course, is that the stories are chosen to depict Clinton favorably and to tweak her critics.

When The Politico posted an internal Obama campaign memo aimed at raising the expectations for Clinton’s fundraising, HillaryHub linked to it under the headline: “Obama Camp Touts Hillary’s Poll Numbers and Endorsements.”

Imagine that. Links to sites like sacbee, touting the 1984 VP selection, Geraldine Ferraro, in the DNC camp is to show us, what? I viral feminist? Is that a good thing? She didn’t learn her lesson, then? She ran with Mondale. That wasn’t such a grand idea now, was it?

Wednesday, Ferraro visited the Sacramento offices of Global Consulting Group, a New York-headquartered public affairs firm for which she is a senior adviser. She endorsed Clinton’s candidacy in April, declaring: “By electing Hillary Clinton, we can smash the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all.”

Is that what Hillary is all about? Shattering glass ceilings? How does that relate to the Global War On Terror?

Interns? This article at the Hillary Rub, is intended to debunk the recent books all about the Real Hillary.

If you want to understand the woman who would be president, don’t bother to read the latest avalanche of recycled biographies – just ask her interns.

Oh, I see. Hillary’s interns know best. Well versed authors, taking years to investigate and interview a plethora of people close to and contrary to Hillary surely wouldn’t know better than interns. Who did the authors interview? Were there no “former interns” of Hillary anywhere to be found?

This Hillary Rub is doomed. It is domed because it is based on a lie but the Democrats are GREAT at promoting their lies as truth. The gullible fall for anything.

That was just three of the twenty articles displaying Hillary as the New Wonder Woman. She is a wonder alright. I wonder what in the hell she is up to.

June 14, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, Jerks, Leadership, Leftinistra, Morons, Politics | 1 Comment

Czarina; Pork President

I am quite sure that Hillary Clinton doesn’t go around bragging about this but someone is doing it for her.

Clinton can boast wealth of earmarks. Isn’t that sweet? But, hasn’t she been “whining” about earmarks?

Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has secured more earmarks in the fiscal 2008 defense authorization bill than any other Democrat except for panel Chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

The bill contains about $5.4 billion in earmarks, or projects not requested by the Pentagon. With their slim majority, [What? No “landslide?] the Democrats on the panel claimed two-thirds of that sum. Clinton is among their more junior members.

Clinton received 26 earmarks worth about $148.4 million total, most of which were also sought by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). Clinton and Schumer agreed several years ago to go after projects together, according to several sources.

Senator Clinton, once again, has wormed and squirmed her way into getting folks to trust her lies and deceptions.

NY Mag

Is John McCain set to initiate an attack on Hillary Clinton? Little more than an hour ago, the McCain campaign put out word that the Republican will shortly hold a press conference in California to talk about “Sen. Clinton’s defense earmarks,” the many millions of dollars in federal funding Hillary has secured for New York military contractors. New York has previously noted the senator’s cozy relationship with some defense contractors, but then, isn’t this what senators do, work to bring money home?

Yes. They work to bring home the money. They also SHOULD be working on the ethical practices of said activity. Yes? No? Maybe? With her and her husband’s reputation of “loathing” the military, bringing home the bacon to defense contractors is quite the sham. I wonder what her kook fringe America haters think of her helping the furtherance of military development?

Clinton’s beneficiaries include defense giant Northrop Grumman, which secured $6 million for the AN/SPQ-9B radar; New York-based Telephonics, which won $5 million for a standardized aircraft wireless intercom system for the National Guard Black Hawk helicopter fleet; Plug Power Inc., another New York state company, which got $3 million for fuel cell power technology; and Alliant Tech Systems (ATK), which won $3.5 million for the X-51 B robust scramjet research.

The Pandering Czarina. Bringing home the bacon so she can later raise the hell out of taxes. Such a sweet darling, eh? And what of her blathering about and of fiscal responsibilities? I guess this makes her seem to be part of the overall community.

At her recent stop to suck up to Big Labor Unions that suck companies dry after their taxes are raised and collected by the socialist left, she stated the following:

“Michigan needs extra help right now.” “If you are in a union, you are invisible to this (Bush) administration.” “We need universal health care.” “We need Smart Trade (free and fair trade with aggressive enforcement).” “I’ve been to 82 countries, if I don’t know the leaders there, then my husband does”.

Is her jet-setting statement(s) meant impress someone? I have been to MORE countries than her and have met MORE leaders than her yet, I don’t go around on national and international TV dropping names…as she does…a sure sign of insecurity.

Senator Clinton also discussed reforms to “No Child Left Behind”, the War in Iraq, The Employee Free Choice Act, her opposition to free-trade agreements like the Korea-U.S. Free-Trade Agreement.

Then again, there are always these fruit loops over here:

June 13, 2007 Posted by | Clintons, Congress, Democrats, Elections 2008, Ethics, Hillary, Leadership, Leftinistra, Politics | Leave a comment