Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

Romney’s Foreign Policy: Brilliance Ruined by AssIdiocy

Willard’s Foreign Policy speech is a mixed bag: a little wisdom and a lot of
crap. I am selecting the worst crap for blasting This crap is why we
absolutely must start a new Conservative party, deep six the GOP which
is infested with parasites, and pick our own nominee without the
meddling of the self-appointed experts and the Media LibTurds.
Three times in a row we have let them select our nominee, and we have
paid dearly for it.

Mitt Romney today
delivered an address on foreign policy, titled “The Mantle of
Leadership” to the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia.
The following remarks were prepared for delivery:

I particularly
appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign
companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell.  He is showing what conservative
leadership can do to build a stronger economy.  Thank you also
Congressman Goodlatte for joining us today. And particular thanks to
Gen. Peay. I appreciate your invitation to be with you today at the
Virginia Military Institute.  It is a great privilege to be here
at an Institution that has done so much for our nation, both in war and
in peace.

For more than 170
years, VMI has done more than educate students.  It has guided
their transformation into citizens, and warriors, and leaders.
VMI graduates have served with honor in our nation’s defense, just as
many are doing today in Afghanistan and other lands.  Since the
September 11th attacks, many of VMI’s sons and
daughters have defended America, and I mourn with you the 15 brave
souls who have been lost. I join you in praying for the many VMI
graduates and all Americans who are now serving in harm’s way.
May God bless all who serve, and all who have served.

Of all the VMI
graduates, none is more distinguished than George Marshall—the Chief of
Staff of the Army who became Secretary of State and Secretary of
Defense, who helped to vanquish fascism and then planned Europe’s
rescue from despair. His commitment to peace was born of his direct
knowledge of the awful costs and consequences of war.

General Marshall once
said, “The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it.”
Those words were true in his time—and they still echo in ours.

Last month, our
nation was attacked again.  A U.S. Ambassador and three of our
fellow Americans are dead—murdered in Benghazi, Libya.  Among the
dead were three veterans.  All of them were fine men, on a mission
of peace and friendship to a nation that dearly longs for both.
President Obama has said that Ambassador Chris Stevens and his
colleagues represented the best of America.  And he is
right.  We all mourn their loss.

The attacks against
us in Libya were not an isolated incident.  They were accompanied
by anti-American riots in nearly two dozen other countries, mostly in
the Middle East, but also in Africa and Asia.  Our embassies have
been attacked.  Our flag has been burned.  Many of our
citizens have been threatened and driven from their overseas homes by
vicious mobs, shouting “Death to America.” These mobs hoisted the black
banner of Islamic extremism over American embassies on the anniversary
of the September 11th attacks.

As the dust settles,
as the murdered are buried, Americans are asking how this happened, how the threats
we face have grown so much worse
, and what this calls on America to do.
These are the right questions.  And I have come here today to
offer a larger perspective on these tragic recent events—and to share
with you, and all Americans, my vision for a freer, more prosperous,
and more peaceful world.

The attacks on
America last month should not be seen as random acts.  They are expressions of a larger struggle
that is playing out across the broader Middle East—a region that is now
in the midst of the most profound upheaval in a century.  And the
fault lines of this struggle can be seen clearly in Benghazi itself.

The attack on our
Consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of
forces affiliated with those
that attacked
our homeland on September 11th, 2001. This latest
assault cannot be blamed on a
reprehensible video insulting Islam
, despite the
Administration’s attempts to convince us of that for so long.  No,
as the Administration has finally conceded, these attacks were the
deliberate work of terrorists
who use violence to impose their
dark ideology on others
, especially women and girls; who are fighting to control much  of
the Middle East
today; and who seek to wage perpetual war on the West.

We saw all of this in
Benghazi last month—but we also saw something else, something
hopeful.  After the attack on our Consulate, tens of thousands of
Libyans, most of them young people, held a massive protest in Benghazi
against the very extremists who murdered our people.  They waved
signs that read, “The Ambassador was Libya’s friend” and “Libya is
sorry.” They chanted “No to militias.”  They marched, unarmed, to
the terrorist compound.  Then they burned it to the ground.
As one Libyan woman said, “We are not going to go from darkness to darkness.”

This is the struggle
that is now shaking the entire Middle East to its foundation.  It
is the struggle of millions and millions of people—men and women, young
and old, Muslims, Christians and non-believers—all of whom have had
enough of the darkness.  It is a struggle for the dignity that
comes with freedom, and
, and the right to live under laws of our own making.
It is a struggle that has unfolded under green banners in the streets
of Iran, in the public squares of Tunisia and Egypt and Yemen, and in
the fights for liberty in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Libya, and now
Syria.  In short, it is a struggle
between liberty and tyranny, justice and oppression, hope and despair

We have seen this
struggle before.  It would be familiar to George Marshall.
In his time, in the ashes of world war, another critical part of the
world was torn between democracy and despotism.  Fortunately, we
had leaders of courage and vision, both Republicans and Democrats, who
knew that America had to support friends who shared our values, and
prevent today’s crises from becoming tomorrow’s conflicts.

Statesmen like
Marshall rallied our nation to rise to its responsibilities as the
leader of the free world.  We helped our friends to build and
sustain free societies and free markets.  We defended our friends,
and ourselves, from our common enemies.  We led.  And though
the path was long and uncertain, the thought of war in Europe is as inconceivable
today as it seemed inevitable in the last century.

This is what makes
America exceptional:  It is not just the character of our
country—it is the record of our accomplishments.  America has a
proud history of strong, confident, principled global leadership—a
history that has been written by patriots of both parties.  That
is America at its best.  And it is the standard by which we
measure every President, as well as anyone who wishes to be President.
Unfortunately, this President’s policies have not been equal to our
best examples of world leadership.  And nowhere is this more
evident than in the Middle East.

I want to be very
clear:  The blame
for the murder of our people in Libya, and the attacks on our embassies
in so many other countries, lies
solely with those who carried them out
—no one else.  But it
is the responsibility of our President to use America’s great power to
shape history—not to lead from behind, leaving our destiny at the mercy
of events.  Unfortunately, that is exactly where we find ourselves
in the Middle East under President Obama.

The relationship
between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of
Israel, our closest ally in the region, has suffered great strains. The
President explicitly stated that his goal was to put “daylight” between the United States
and Israel
.  And he has succeeded.  This is a
dangerous situation that has set back the hope of peace in the Middle
East and emboldened our mutual adversaries, especially Iran.

Iran today has never
been closer to a nuclear weapons capability.  It has never posed a
greater danger to our friends, our allies, and to us.  And it has
never acted less deterred by America, as was made clear last year when
Iranian agents plotted to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in our
nation’s capital.  And yet, when millions of Iranians took to the
streets in June of 2009, when they demanded freedom from a cruel regime
that threatens the world, when they cried out, “Are you with us, or are you with
”—the American President was silent.

Across the greater
Middle East, as the joy born from the downfall of dictators has given
way to the painstaking work of building capable security forces, and
growing economies, and developing democratic institutions, the
President has failed to offer the tangible support that our partners want and

In Iraq, the costly
gains made by our troops are being eroded by rising violence, a
resurgent Al-Qaeda, the weakening of democracy in Baghdad, and the
rising influence of Iran. And yet, America’s ability to influence
events for the better in Iraq has been undermined by the abrupt
withdrawal of our entire troop presence. The President tried—and
failed—to secure a responsible and gradual drawdown that would
have better secured our gains.

The President has
failed to lead in Syria, where more than 30,000 men, women, and
children have been massacred by the Assad regime over the past 20
months. Violent extremists are flowing into the fight.  Our ally
Turkey has been attacked.  And the conflict threatens stability in
the region.

America can take
pride in the blows that our military and intelligence professionals
have inflicted on Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, including the
killing of Osama bin Laden.  These are real achievements won at a
high cost.  But Al-Qaeda remains a strong force in Yemen and
Somalia, in Libya and other parts of North Africa, in Iraq, and now in
Syria. And other extremists have gained ground across the region.
Drones and the modern instruments of war are important tools in our
fight, but they are no substitute for a national security strategy for the
Middle East

The President is fond
of saying that “The tide of war is receding.”  And I want to
believe him as much as anyone.  But when we look at the Middle
East today—with Iran closer than ever to nuclear weapons capability,
with the conflict in Syria threating to destabilize the region,
with violent extremists on the march, and with an American
Ambassador and three others dead likely at the hands of Al-Qaeda
affiliates— it is clear that the risk of conflict in the region is
higher now than when the President took office.

I know the President hopes for a safer, freer,
and a more prosperous Middle East allied with the United States
. I share this hope.  But
hope is not a strategy.  We cannot support our friends and defeat
our enemies in the Middle East when our words are not backed up by
deeds, when our defense spending is being arbitrarily and deeply cut,
when we have no trade agenda to speak of, and the perception of our
strategy is not one of partnership, but of passivity.

The greater tragedy
of it all is that we are missing an historic opportunity to win new friends who share our values
in the Middle East—friends who are fighting for their own futures
against the very same violent extremists, and evil tyrants, and angry
mobs who seek to harm us.  Unfortunately, so many of these people
who could be our friends feel that our President is indifferent to their quest for
freedom and dignity
. As one Syrian woman put it, “We will not
forget that you forgot about us.”

It is time to change
course in the Middle East.  That course should be organized around
these bedrock principles:  America must have confidence in our cause, clarity in our purpose and resolve in our might. No
friend of America will question our commitment to support them… no
enemy that attacks America will question our resolve to defeat them…
and no one anywhere, friend or foe, will doubt America’s capability to
back up our words.

I will put the
leaders of Iran on notice that the United States and our friends and
allies will prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. I
will not hesitate to impose new sanctions on Iran, and will tighten the
sanctions we currently have. I will restore the permanent presence of
aircraft carrier task forces in both the Eastern Mediterranean and the
Gulf region—and work with Israel to increase our military assistance
and coordination.  For the sake of peace, we must make clear to
Iran through actions—not just words—that their nuclear pursuit will not be

I will reaffirm our
historic ties to Israel and our abiding commitment to its security—the
world must never see any daylight between our two nations.

I will deepen our
critical cooperation with our partners in the Gulf.

And I will roll back
President Obama’s deep and arbitrary cuts to our national defense that
would devastate our military. I will make the critical defense
investments that we need to remain secure.  The decisions we make
today will determine our ability to protect America tomorrow.  The
first purpose of a strong military is to prevent war.

The size of our Navy
is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size
needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including
three submarines.  I will implement effective missile defenses to
protect against threats. And on this, there will be no flexibility with
Vladimir Putin. And I will call on our NATO allies to keep the greatest
military alliance in history strong by honoring their commitment to
each devote 2 percent of their GDP to security spending. Today, only 3
of the 28 NATO nations meet this benchmark.

I will make further
reforms to our foreign assistance to create incentives for good
governance, free enterprise, and greater trade, in the Middle East and
beyond. I will organize all assistance efforts in the greater Middle
East under one official with responsibility and accountability to
prioritize efforts and produce results.  I will rally our friends
and allies to match our generosity with theirs.  And I will make
it clear to the recipients of our aid that, in return for our material
support, they must meet the responsibilities of every decent modern
government—to respect the rights of all of their citizens, including
women and minorities… to ensure space for civil society, a free
media, political parties, and an independent judiciary… and to abide
by their international commitments to protect our diplomats and our

I will champion free
trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy, both in the
Middle East and across the world.  The President has not signed
one new free trade agreement in the past four years.  I will
reverse that failure.  I will work with nations around the world
that are committed to the principles of free enterprise, expanding
existing relationships and establishing new ones.

I will support friends across the Middle
East who share our values,
but need help defending them and their sovereignty against our common

In Libya, I will
support the Libyan people’s efforts to forge a lasting government that
represents all of them, and I will vigorously pursue the terrorists who
attacked our consulate in Benghazi and killed Americans.

In Egypt, I will use
our influence—including clear conditions on our aid—to urge the new
government to represent all Egyptians, to build democratic
institutions, and to maintain its peace treaty with Israel. And we must
persuade our friends and allies to place similar stipulations on their

In Syria, I will work
with our partners to identify and organize those members of the
opposition who share our values and ensure they obtain the arms
they need to defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets. Iran
is sending arms to Assad because they know his downfall would be a
strategic defeat for them.  We should be working no less
vigorously with our international partners to support the many Syrians
who would deliver that defeat to Iran—rather than sitting on the
sidelines.  It is essential that we develop influence with those
forces in Syria that will one day lead a country that sits at the heart
of the Middle East.

And in Afghanistan, I
will pursue a real and successful transition to Afghan security forces
by the end of 2014.  President Obama would have you believe that
anyone who disagrees with his decisions in Afghanistan is arguing for
endless war. But the route to more war – and to potential attacks here
at home – is a politically timed retreat that abandons the Afghan
people to the same extremists
who ravaged their country and used it to launch the attacks of
9/11.  I will evaluate conditions on the ground and weigh the best
advice of our military commanders. And I will affirm that my duty is
not to my political prospects, but to the security of the nation.

Finally, I will
recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian
state living side by side in peace and security with the Jewish state
of Israel.
  On this vital issue, the President has failed,
and what should be a negotiation
has devolved into a series of heated disputes at the
United Nations. In this old conflict, as in every challenge we face in
the Middle East, only a new President will bring the chance to begin

There is a longing
for American leadership in the Middle East—and it is not unique to that
region.  It is broadly felt by America’s friends and allies in
other parts of the world as well— in Europe, where Putin’s Russia casts
a long shadow over young democracies, and where our oldest allies have
been told we are “pivoting” away from them … in Asia and across the
Pacific, where China’s recent assertiveness is sending chills through
the region … and here in our own hemisphere, where our neighbors in
Latin America want to resist the failed ideology of Hugo Chavez and the
Castro brothers and deepen ties with the United States on trade,
energy, and security.  But in all of these places, just as in the
Middle East, the question is asked:  “Where does America stand?”

I know many Americans
are asking a different question: “Why us?”  I know many Americans
are asking whether our country today—with our ailing economy, and our
massive debt, and after 11 years at war—is still capable of

I believe that if
America does not lead, others will—others who do not share our
interests and our values—and the world will grow darker, for our
friends and for us.  America’s security and the cause of freedom
cannot afford four more years like the last four years.  I am
running for President because I believe the leader of the free world
has a duty, to our citizens, and to our friends everywhere, to use
America’s great influence—wisely, with solemnity and without false
pride, but also firmly and actively—to shape events in ways that secure
our interests, further our values, prevent conflict, and make the world
better—not perfect, but better.

Our friends and
allies across the globe do not want less American leadership.
They want more—more of our moral support, more of our security
cooperation, more of our trade, and more of our assistance in building
free societies and thriving economies.  So many people across the
world still look to America as the best hope of humankind.  So
many people still have faith in America.  We must show them that
we still have faith in ourselves—that we have the will and the wisdom
to revive our stagnant economy, to roll back our unsustainable debt, to
reform our government, to reverse the catastrophic cuts now threatening
our national defense, to renew the sources of our great power, and to
lead the course of human events.

Sir Winston Churchill
once said of George Marshall:  “He … always fought victoriously
against defeatism, discouragement, and disillusion.”  That is the
role our friends want America to play again.  And it is the role
we must play.

The 21st century can
and must be an American century. It began with terror, war, and
economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom,
peace, and prosperity.

The torch America
carries is one of decency and hope. It is not America’s torch alone.
But it is America’s duty – and honor – to hold it high enough that all
the world can see its light.

Thank you, God bless
you, and God bless the United States of America.


how this happened

The Emassy and Consulate attacks were deliberately
planned and carried out by Muslims, motivated by the damnable doctrines
of Islam which are enshrined in the Qur’an,
exemplified in hadith & sira and codified into law in Reliance of the
, Risala
& Hedaya.
Those are the same doctrines which motivated the Barbary Pirates to
sack our merchantmen in the 18th
century.  While  real or alleged  grievances are useful
as  pretexts for polemical purposes, Islamic law  states that
Infidels may be attacked without provocation.”

how the threats have grown so much worse

Threats escalate when ignored.  In the ’70s,
abduction and murder of diplomats was ignored.  Hijacking of
aircraft was ignored. Fraggings were ignored. Later, the bombing of the
Beirut Marine Barracks was ignored.  The bombing of the Khobar
Towers was ignored.  The bombing of two Embassies was
ignored.  The bombing of the USS Cole was ignored.  The
bombing of the World Trade Center was treated as a common criminal
offense, ignoring its true cause: the damnable doctrines of

Predators seek weakness, confusion & irresolve.
Islam is a predatory institution; Muslims are predators: they seek
weakness.  Usama bin ladin wrote of the strong horse and the weak
horse. Place your bets on the strong horse.  Carter,. Reagan,
Bush, Slick Willy & Shrub showed weakness and lack of clarity &
resolve. That encouraged the enemy to mount new attacks.  Fighting
to a draw in Korea & Vietnam was a bad precedent which emboldened
Muslims.  Failure to break the OPEC cartel demonstrated weakness
and financed Jihad with oil price extortion.

Sending the Marines to save Arafat’s bacon was
treason against the human race; an unforgivable blunder.  Failure
to show resolve and give our forces in Somalia the equipment they
needed  showed the enemy that we continue to lack the ability to
identify him and lack resolve to defend ourselves and defeat
him.   Attacking the defenders of liberty in Bosnea
demonstrated supreme treachery & stupidity and proved that our
leaders ignore the identity of the enemy.

Sending the Northern Allience into Tora Bora with
insufficient men and material when we should have nuked the place
allowed bin Ladin and his top eschelon to escape.

Suicidal rules of engagement and ignoring the
lessons of Vietnam hampered our efforts in Iraq and frustrate them to
this very day in Afghanistan.  In WW2, we knew who the enemy was,
and we removed them from power at least for the short term.  In
Afghanistan & Iraq we refuse to recogniae the identity of the enemy
and treat him as an allie and partner; suidical stupidity whch gets our
men killed. Harry Truman knew exactly how to end the war in the
Pacific, and he did it, saving millions of lives.  The war on
Terror should have been ended the same way: immediately &
permanently, without wasting thousands of lives and billions of

what this calls on America to do

The recent attacks are a clarion call to recognize
the enemy and attack it with full force and vigor.  The enmy is
Islam, its foot soldiers are believers.  Because they believe in Allah’s threat & promise: that they will be admitted to his celestial bordello if they wage war and damned
if they don’t, they will never cease from attacking us until they are
dead or disbelievers. We will not win; we will not obtain peace and
security without making them either dead or disbelievers.

The key to victory is found in a Pakistani strategy
manual: The Qur’anic Concept
of War
. That link will open the book to page 60; read it and
re-read it until the full meaning sinks in.

expressions of a larger struggle

Its Jihad, stupid! Perpetual war against infidels until only Allah is worshiped on a global scale
and Jews & Christians are subjugated & extorted.  Damned fools & liars,
including Romney, will tell you that Jihad and terrorism
have nothing to do with Islam.  I just gave you a link to Surah
At-Taubah 9:120: read and re-read it until the meaning sinks in. Steps
taken to injure or enrage infidels are acts of terrorism,
which are imputed to the terrorist as deeds of righteousness, which,
weighed against his sins, buy him extra credit for  a better ceat
in Allah’s celestial bordello.  Allah said that he would cast terror.  Allah said that he cast terror, so that the Muslims killed some and
captured some. Moe said that he was made victorious with terror.
Can you get a clue, or do you, like Shrub & Romney, have your head
so far up your butt that you can not perceive objective factual reality
when irrefutable evidence is presented?

affiliated with those that attacked

Who was our enemy in WW2; wa it SS, Panzers or
Kamikazis? Or was it Nazism, Fascism & Imperialism?  Al-Qaida
is the base: Ummah al-Islamiyya. In other words: Muslims.
Al-Qaeda is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is composed of
believing Muslims whose motto is:  “Allah
is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad
its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.

Open the Qur’an to 9:111, read it and read it again until you
understand it.  Perhaps Tafsir Ibn Kathir  [see also]
will help you to comprehend its meaning.  The enemy is Islam;
Muslims are its army.  Muslims in Europe & America are its
fifth column.

cannot be blamed on

Blame lies in the Qur’an, hadith, sira, tafsir &
Shari’ah. Thee is no provocation, there is only Islamic doctrine.
The riots always happen after Jumah Salat, why are you unable to make
the connection? They leave the mosque and go on the warpath.  What
happened in the mosque to rouse the rabble? Kutbah: the Imam’s

a reprehensible video insulting Islam

of Muslims

is not reprehensible; it is a rough model for what our government
should be doing: documenting the life and career of Moe as described in
the Qur’an, hadith & sira’ producing and distributing a full length
feature film showing Moe’s true character and actions.  Innocence
is just a starting point, there is much more to be exposed.  Dr.
Ali Sina and others have prepared scripts.  Get into gear and
produce them; show them to the world.  The majority of the Ummah
can not read, but they can learn from movies.  When they discover
what they are enslaved to and who enslaved them, Mass apostasy, which
is key to victory, will begin.

Literate Muslims who have seen the video are
searching Google to discover whether its conceptual content is true.
The blog post, linked in the previous paragraph, details the accuracy
of  the video. It was inspired by seeing those Google inquiries in
the stats for my other posts.


Muslims who believe in Allah’s imperatives, threat
& promise. Those obey Allah and emulate Moe, who bragged about
being made victorious with terror.  Obtain a clue:  3:151, 8:12,39,57,60,65,67,
9:5,29,38, 39,111,120,123,
Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220.

their dark ideology

Only Allah has the right to be worshiped.  Only Allah has the right to legislate and rule.
This world is but play and passtime, the real action is in Allah’s
celestial bordello: 9:38, 6:32..  Infidels deserve to be killed;
killing them is our duty. 5:33,[],


fighting to control much  of the Middle East

The “Arab Spring” is not a quest for liberty and
prosperity, it is a power struggle to determine who will sit on the
dictator’s throne. All sides in these conflicts are Muslims. No matter
which side wins, we lose unless they exterminate each other. Syria is
making a good start on that.

wage perpetual war on the West

“Its Islam, stupid!” What Islam is; what Muslims do,
if they believe.

from darkness to darkness

The Arab Spring is a process of replacing one tyrant
with another, it is not about obtaining democracy, liberty or
prosperity, except for the dictator and his cronies.

struggle for the dignity

Arab Spring is a struggle for supremacy; for
occupation of the throne, deciding the identity of the dictator and
expanding the dictatorship, nothing more.  Idealism has no part in
it, except for useful idiots.

freedom, and opportunity

Seekrs of freedom are in the minority, they are
not Muslim or Muslim in name only. They have no guns, explosives or
military training. They have no chance of winning, they will be
exterminated when the new dictatorship is solidified.


Striving in the way of Allah: Jihad in Allah’s
cause: making Islam dominate the entire world.

liberty and tyranny

Liberty and Islam are polar opposites: Islam is
tyrannical, always was and always will be. Only Allah has the right to

justice and oppression

Islam is never just; always oppressive.
Shari’ah is not justice, it is oppression. Islam demands imposition of
Shari’ah because only Allah has the right to legislate.

hope and despair

So long as they are Muslims: Allab’s slaves, there
is no hope; there is only despair and continued war.  They must
cease being Muslims or cease living, otherwise the war they wage will
never end.

war in Europe is as inconceivable

Tell that to Serbia, Idiot!

The blame…lies solely with those who carried them out

The blame begins with the Qur’an & hadith: with
Moe, 1389 years ago, and passes through the caliphs to the Imams who
rouse the rabble to raise Hell, not just with the rabble.  Islamic
violence flows from islamic doctrine.

“daylight” between the United States and Israel

Shrub started out on the correct course: resisting
demands to pressure Israel to surrender to her hen emies. But after six
months in office, he succumbed to the treacherous demands, causing me
to cast my third write in vote.  Obamination has continued on the
same path because he is a Muslim, one of the enemy, not one of

Are you with us, or are you with them?

I am with us, you are with them.

capable security forces

There is no end to stupidity, ignorance and
irrationality, they are ever expanding.  Muslims are not security
forces, they are Allah’s army.  The problem is one of will, not
capacity.  The ‘security forces’ of Afghanistan and Iraq are
Muslims: enemy forces, which is why they shoot our soldiers.

our partners

Only an ignorant damned fool dreams that we have
Muslim partners. Muslims are explicitly forbidden to form inferior and
equal relationships with infidls, Muslims must always be
3:1184:89, 4:139, 4:1445:51, 9:23, 9:33, 60:1, 60:13

gradual drawdown

Dams must be maintained so long as there is water
behind them.  If the dam is removed, flooding will result. The
people and regimes of Afghanistan and Iraq are Muslim. They will always
resist our presence, as required by Shari’ah [O9.1], and
will always be our enemies, never our allies or partners.

national security strategy for the Middle East

Convert them or kill them. There are no other
options. So long as they are Muslims, they will be at war against us
until we are conquered.

President hopes

The President, as a Muslim, hopes that Islam will
reconquer Israel, restore the caliphate and conquer the entire

safer, freer

prosperous Middle East

allied with the United States

Impossible while the population and regimes are
Islamic. Possible only after Islam becomes extinct.

I share this hope

You are mentally incompetent.

friends who share our values

Only Israel, in that region.

indifferent to their quest for freedom and dignity

Only those who are not Muslims quest for freedom and
dignity and Obamination is imimical to their quest.

confidence, clarity & resolve

Three lessons that should have been learned from
Korea & Vietnam but were not.  We have nukes. Harry Truman had
the confidence, clarity 7 resolve requisite to their proper
application.  Oh how I wish Shrub had those qualities!

Clarity: identifying the enemy, which is Islam &
Muslims. Comprehending the fact that victory is extinction and anything
less is defeat.

Resolve: the will to triumph at all costs: Churchill
had it, Truman had it. It died with them.

nuclear pursuit

Twelvers believe that the 12th Imam will
only return under conditions of great fitna. They intend to pave the
road to his return with great fitna.  Muslims are a real, present
and continuing threat to life and liberty because of what they believe
and how they attempt to implement it: Allah’s imperatives, threat and
promise.  Israel had the resolve to stop Iraq’s  nuclear
program.  They must also stop Iran’s; sanctions are ineffective,
force must be used.

friends share our values

We do not have Muslim friends; Muslims do not share
our values.

ensure they obtain the arms

As much as I hate the Assad regime, I do not want to
se it replaced by other Muslims, I want them to kill each other off
without involving other nations in the blood bath.  There is no
good alternative to Assad. Whomever defeats him will be as bad as he is
and very likely worse.  We meddled in Libya and will pay dearly
for it. We must not meddle in Syria, let nature take its course.

transition to Afghan security forces

There are no Muslim security forces, there are only
Mujahideen: terrorists.  Anyone who thinks otherwise, Shrub
included, is a damned fool unworthy of the office of Commander in


There are no extremists, there are only believers,
who seek to implement Allah’s jihad, terror
& genocide imperatives.  The man who said “I am commanded to fight with men until…” and “I have been made victorious with terror” was the
founder of Islam. He set the standard and exemplified it: the norm, not

democratic, prosperous Palestinian state

These Morons who refuse to read the Qur’an do not
realize that only Allah has the right to legislate and rule, which he
delegated to Moe and his caliphs.  Muslims do not want man made
law from legislatures, that would be an abomination to Allah.

Jews are the indigenous people of Palestine, a name
imposed by Rome after Jews rebelled against Roman occupation and
domination.  Arabs are not the indigenous people of israel, it is
not their homeland. They are the interlopers and illegal occupiers
since 638.

in peace and security

Peace and security will only be possible when the
Muslims are either aplostatized or dead. Until that happy day there
will be no peace becaue Israel is proof of the fact that Allah is an
impotent idol whose promise and threat are vain. To Muslims, Israel is
the ultimate blasphemy.

with the Jewish state of Israel.

Allah will continually send someone to humiliate and
torment the Jews: 7:167. Who is he sending? What will Jesus and the Muslims do just before the end of
the world?

negotiation process

Is America’s existence negotiable?  What will
you give the Muslims to appease them, and how long will it last?
Why were there two Barbary Wars?  Their objectives are politicide
and genocide; existential and non-negotiable. Only a damned fool
believes that negotiations, concessions, good will gestures &
painful choices can yeild peace.  Alligators can not be appeased,
they must eat frequently.  The path to peace ends in the Muslim

October 10, 2012 Posted by | Islam, Islamic Radicalism?, Islamic Terrorism, Political Correctness | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments