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UN Resolutions Revisited: Defamation of Religion

[Edited 03/19/09]

While the original post and those linked below, in the previous edit will provide valuable background information, the revisions of 03/17/09 have rendered some of that material obsolescent. My latest post on this subject: Durban II Sham Revision: the Details

contains links to the revised text and explains  why that text is unacceptable to lovers of liberty.

[Edited: 03/06/09]

This post, while among the most popular, is not the most up to date. The General Assembly passed a new resolution “combating defamation of religions” 12/18/08. A link to that resolution is included, along with detailed and documented rational objections to the same in this post, which I urge you to read:

Quit Aiding Our Enemies!

In this post, you will find my detailed criticism of a statement by four human rights experts condeming the resolution.

Defamation Resolutions: Enough Already!

This related post dissects and refutes the amended resolution just prior to its passage:

Defamation of Religions Resolution Revised

This related post dissects and refutes the resolution as passed by committee:

UN Renews Censorship Demand

This related post exposes the lies & deceptions included in a related U.N. resolution:

UN: Eliminating Intolerance or Protecting it?

The current post, while outdated, still contains useful links and information. Please read it carefully and follow the links.

Now comes The American Center for Law & Justice complaining in a petition of anti-Christian / pro-Islamic bigotry on the part of the UNHRC Unfortunately they do not provide detailed information about the resolution of which they complain nor do they provide a link to it. More than forty thousand people have endorsed the complaint, apparently without knowing the details. Likewise World Net Daily skims over the subject without digging into the gritty details. The G.A. resolution condemning criticism of Islam is highly abstract, too vague & flowery to represent with a few excerpts. The bottom line is this: they want western nations to censor our criticism of Islam. They will not tolerate public exposure of the evil doctrines & actions of Islam. My blog post on the subject usually receives at most two hits per day. It suddenly spiked to eight. I assume that the spike resulted from the ACLJ & WND posts which leave readers hungry for details.

This is not a new issue. The International Humanist and Ethical Union reports that UNCHR passed resolutions against defamation of religion beginning in 1999 and continuing in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. The UNHRC followed suite in 2007.

In August ’07, the Special Rapporteur reported to the General Assembly concerning Islamophobia, etc.
In December of ’07, the General Assembly resolved to oppose defamation of religions. The arrogant hypocrisy of the report is fully exposed in this blog post: Defamation of Islam.

In December ’07, the U.N. General Assembly passed a similar resolution whose arrogant, imbecilic hypocrisy is laid bare in this blog post: United Nations Ban Criticism of Islam.

At the end of March ’08, the UNHRC passed a similar resolution the arrogant hypocrisy of which is exposed in this blog post, which ends with a call to action: More UNHRC AssWholliness.

During the same time period, Geert Wilders uttered & published his short subject, Fitna. The Secretary General of the UN took advantage of the occasion to express his opinion of defamation of Islam. In the process, he exposed his the black hole which substitutes for his soul and earned every term of opprobrium that can be hurled at him by outraged Kuffar. I took advantage of Moon’s madness to expose his hypocrisy in You’ve Been Mooned!
The issue is one sided; the resolution of 1999 explicitly cited defamation of Islam. Anything we write about Islam is criminal; slander, libel & blasphemy. But no significant mention is made of epithets such as “gutter religion” hurled in the other direction. As I proved in The Defamation of Jesus Christ, Islam’s canon of scripture is full of negative references to Judaism & Christianity. Obviously, the UN is not about to ban the Koran or prayers & sermons based upon it.

the OHCHR resolution of ’05 is available as a Word document. This excerpt alone should make your blood boil.

Expresses deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism;

That is the sort of malicious, malignant malarkey I disprove in the blog posts referenced earlier. Terrorism is an intrinsic sacrament of Islam, sanctified by a series of Koran verses and bragged about by Muhammad.

Recognizes that in the context of the fight against terrorism and the reaction to counter‑terrorism measures, defamation of religions becomes an aggravating factor that contributes to the denial of fundamental rights and freedoms of target groups, as well as their economic and social exclusion;

“Sons of apes and pigs”, “worst of living creatures”, “Allah’s curse be upon them”, “…destination is Hell…”. That sort of defamation is not what the high & mighty are referring to. It is approved because its in the Koran.

Urges States to take resolute action to prohibit the dissemination through political institutions and organizations of racist and xenophobic ideas and material aimed at any religion or its followers that constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence;

But you know damn well that does not include 9:29, which declares war on us until we are subjugated & pay extortion. Of course not; its approved because its in the Koran.

It is time to see to the dissolution of the UN, to begin by withdrawing from membership and expelling its headquarters from our land. It is part of the aggressor’s support structure, not a peace maker, and it must go.

July 11, 2008 - Posted by | Politics, Religion | , , , , , ,


  1. Someone at the United Nations HQ in New York City spent 3 minutes and 34 seconds viewing this post September 28, 2009. Their entry and exit pages were the same, leading to the assumption that they did not follow the links to the other posts, none of which appeared in the statistics.

    Comment by dajjal | September 28, 2009 | Reply

  2. […] UN Resolutions Revisited: Defamation of Religion […]

    Pingback by UN Censorship: Outlawing Criticism of Islam « Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back | November 16, 2011 | Reply

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