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VICTORY Is Not Defeat

VP Cheney Kicks Leftinistra Tail In Chicago

VP Cheney Kicks Leftinistra Tail In Chicago

Saturday, April 14, 2007 12:39 AM

Read VP Cheney’s Speech Delivered 4/13/2007!!

The Leftinistra tremble.  (Their spin meisters are still  trying to come up with an appropriate spin.  I can hardly wait for the Sunday Bonehead Shows!)

Transcript of Cheney’s remarks in Chicago
‘It’s not too soon to assess the direction’ of new Democrat majority

Excerpts I liked:

“…limited government as envisioned by the Founders, and a healthy free enterprise system, and the value of personal responsibility...”

As for the theoretical “landslide last November (LOL!!); “…It was, in retrospect, a narrow victory. A shift of only 3,600 votes would have kept the Senate in Republican hands, and a shift of fewer than 100,000 votes would have maintained Republican control of the House of Representatives...”

OUCH!!; “…This weekend marks the 100th day of this Congress, and it’s not too soon to assess the direction in which the new majority is attempting to move the country. The Democrats, as all of us remember, came in with high expectations, many pledges to bring change, and a promise of something new. What we’ve seen, however, is not really that new — in fact, it’s kind of familiar to those of us who’ve been around a while and can remember the early 1970s...”

“…That was the last time the national Democratic Party took a hard left turn. But in 2007, it looks like history is repeating itself. Today, on some of the most critical issues facing the country, the new Democratic majority resembles nothing so much as that old Party of the early 1970s...”

“…the House and Senate tacked on billions of dollars to cover items on their wish list — from fighting crickets to spinach subsidies..”

Flipping of the floppers; “…An early sign of unseriousness was the comment by Howard Dean, now the party chairman, that the capture of Saddam Hussein did nothing to make America safer. He made that statement several years ago while running for president, and a number of his fellow Democrats sharply criticized him. Yet now we hear almost daily the claim that the fight in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror...”

“…This leader of al-Qaeda has referred to Baghdad as the capital of the caliphate. He has also said, “Success in Baghdad will be success for the United States. Failure in Iraq is the failure of the United States. Their defeat in Iraq will mean defeat in all their wars.”…”

Read the rest without my interruptions.  Then ask yourselves what the Leftinistra are up to.

May 31, 2007 - Posted by | GWOT, Leftinistra

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