Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back

VICTORY Is Not Defeat

Why Are We There?

Why Are We There?

Sunday, February 18, 2007 1:48 AM

This is not an easy question to answer.  Personally, I would love for us to not be there.  That statement is an emotion of mine and the emotion stems from selfishness.  Yes.  Selfishness.  I am selfish in this regard.  Why?  My son is serving in the 101st Airborne Division.  That’s why.  It was his choice to make.  As he was growing up, his fantasies were that of the United States Army.  HOOAH!  Perhaps it was all of the John Wayne war movies I have watched about 17 kazillion times.  Perhaps it was because his Mother and Father served the United States in uniform.  No one beat him over the head and demanded he joined.  He joined when he felt like it and not a second sooner or later.


We are a nation at war.  We are at war with an ideal.  We are not at war with a nation.  Some say that Bush lied and many died.  That’s just wrong-minded and there is no proof no matter the mantra of the socialist left.


The fact remains that since 1991, Saddam’s Iraq had ample opportunity to cease and desist.  He did not.  After we zapped the Taliban, the terrorists scattered to the Seven Winds.  We all know where the majority went, again, no matter what the mantra of the socialist left.  A large bulk of them showed up in Iraq.  Saddam was harboring terrorists.  We all know that.  Don’t kid yourselves.  He was known for paying families of martyrs to blow themselves up for the Jihad.  Don’t believe or remember that?  Google it.  I’ll not spoon-feed it to you.


Iraq was given a final resolution to cease and desist.  It was resolution 1441.  The Final Straw, as it were.  Why didn’t Saddam comply?  He gambled that since he was able to ignore the UN because members of the UN were in cahoots with him (remember Food For Oil?) he could just ignore the UN for however long he felt the desire to.  He gambled that President Bush was the typical Paper Tiger CIC of the United States.


Hans Blix said at the UN, “Iraq has not come to a genuine acceptance, not even today, of the disarmament which was demanded of it.”  Was Blix wrong?  Did anyone call him a liar?  Why?  The libs don’t hate him?  Why?


45 other countries JOINED the United States.  To General Odom, I guess these 45 countries aren’t good enough.  Some said to give Iraq one more final chance.  How many final chances are we to give people?  The current War In Iraq is not a new war.  It is the continuation of the war which started with the invasion of an American ally, Kuwait.  Didn’t we owe our ally to finish the war we said we would if Saddam did not comply with the cease fire?  The war was never declared over.  And it hasn’t been declared over yet.  The job is not finished.


Then again, the defeatocrats don’t give a damn.  They want their power.  They want their prestige.  They haven’t done anything worthwhile since President Kennedy.  Why should we trust them now?  Why should we trust them ever?

May 28, 2007 - Posted by | GWOT

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