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VICTORY Is Not Defeat

HAMAS: Aggressors With Attitude

Yahoo News ran an AP story about HAMAS supposedly seeking peace.   I have excerpted some crucial quotes for examination.

Hamas’ deputy foreign minister, Ghazi Hamad, delivered the message to state-run Israel Radio. “We are interested in calm but want the Israeli military to stop its operations,” Hamad said in Hebrew.

HAMAS has a peculiar attitude:  they can attack Israel with impunity, Israel must never retaliate. Am I the only one who perceives the arrogance of that attitude?

Other Hamas officials said they were in touch with mediators in hopes of restoring calm.

They are not seeking mediation, there has been plenty already, they are seeking shields to hide behind as they launch rockets.

Arab League leader Amr Moussa called on the U.N. to impose a no-fly zone over Gaza to protect Palestinians.

Is it possible to establish their attitude with greater clarity?  They will hurl stones, then hide behind their mother’s skirt when retaliation is threatened.

Mohammed Awad, Hamas’ foreign minister, told the group’s Al-Quds TV station that there was a “sustained effort” to halt the fighting. “I can say we were in contact with Egypt, Turkey and the United Nations,” he said.

If they wanted to halt the fighting, they would halt the fighting.  They started it, they can end it. They have no desire to end it, they desire to exterminate Israel; they seek human shields to guarantee impunity.

“Heads we win, tails you lose.”  “Whatever we do, you take the blame for the consequences.”   The firing of an anti-tank missile at a school bus must be the last straw. No more lines in the sand.  No more chances. No more negotiations. No more good will gestures.

Israel must grow testicles and spines.  Israel must tell the Arab League, United Nations, European Union and United States to sit down and shut up.  Israel must purge Gaza of Muslims, annex the territory, occupy and settle it, restoring it to its rightful status as a permanent part of Israel.   That is the only possible solution, everything less is a fool’s errand, throwing fresh blood and treasure down the sewer.

Israel must offer Abbas a demilitarized state, with its border 20 km from the river, no part of Jerusalem whatsoever and no right of return. Israel needs to push the border back one kilometer for every day Abbas refuses to accept the offer, finally purging, annexing and settling the West Bank as well.

Israel, I put the question:  are you mice or men?  Will you stand up for right, truth, morality, justice & peace or will you continue in craven surrender before arrogant aggressors Hellbent on exterminating you?

April 10, 2011 Posted by | Political Correctness | , , , , , | Leave a comment