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Islam Demands Censorship!!!

Thanks and a tip of the hat to Creeping Shariah for the tip off.  A search for transcripts proved fruitless. It appears that the Daily Caller is the root source for the crucial quotes.  The Justice Department met with Islamicists to discuss discrimination: “Confronting Discrimination in the Post-9/11 Era: Challenges and Opportunities Ten Years Later”

to redefine criticism as discrimination, said Sahar Aziz,

Read more:

The word “Muslim,” she said, “has become racialized. … I don’t accept this formalistic cop-out that this is all about religion.”

Read more:

Aziz’s advocacy was supported by a second Islamist advocate, Islamic Society of North America president Mohamed Magid. He argued that “teaching people that all Muslims are a threat to the country… is against the law and the Constitution.”


“redefine criticism as discrimination”

A Muslim law professor expressed confidence that the sharp DOJ lawyers can redefine criticism of Islam as discrimination to make it illegal.  The familiar context of discrimination is “whites only”, excluding racial minorities from public accommodations.

“formalistic cop-out that this is all about religion”

Your race; skin color & physiognomy ain’t at issue; neither is religion. The issue is adherence to a set of doctrines which inculcate hatred of and incite violence against all non-Muslims.  The redefinition concept is neither original nor an empty threat. The UN has already proclaimed it.

The following quote is from Preliminary document of the African Regional Conference Preparatory to the Durban Review Conference  [Emphasis added.] 4.  Emphasizes the urgent need to address the scourges of anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, and Islamophobia as contemporary forms of racism as well as racial and violent movements based on racism and discriminatory ideas directed at African, Arab, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other communities;


“teaching people that all Muslims are a threat to the country”

All Islamic believers are threats to the country. This is because they are obligated to participate in global conquest. I refer doubters & dissenters to the all purpose handbook of Shafi’ite fiqh aka Shari’ah: Reliance of the Traveller.

O9.1: The Obligatory Character of Jihad

Jihad is a communal obligation (def: c3.2).  When enough people perform it to successfully accomplish it, it is no longer obligatory upon others (O: the evidence for which is the Prophet’s saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),

“He who provides the equipment for a soldier in jihad has himself performed jihad,”

and Allah Most High having said:

“Those of the believers who are unhurt but sit behind are not equal to those who fight in Allah’s path with their property and lives. Allah has preferred those who fight with their property and lives a whole degree above those who sit behind. And to each, Allah has promised great good” (Koran 4:95).

If none of those concerned perform jihad, and it does not happen at all, then everyone who is aware that it is obligatory is guilty of sin, if there was a possibility of having performed it. In the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) jihad was a communal obligation after his emigration (hijra) to Medina. As for subsequent times, there are two possible states in respect to non-Muslims.

The first is when they are in their own countries, in which case jihad (def: o9.8) is a communal obligation, and this is what our author is speaking of when he says, “Jihad is a communal obligation,” meaning upon the Muslims each year.

The second state is when non-Muslims invade a Muslim country or near to one, in which case jihad is personally obligatory (def: c3.2) upon the inhabitants of that country, who must repel the non-Muslims with whatever they can).

All Muslims are potential threats.

Secular o in name only Muslims can ‘get religion’ and become believers without warning.  Islamic hate literature, web sites, clerics and friends may convince a secular Muslim of the validity of Allah; his jihad imperative, threat and promise.

When someone believes that his eternal destiny: paradise or the fire is dependent on his participation in genocidal conquest, what will he do?  Once their numbers are sufficient to confer a degree of  impunity, they will obey Allah, emulate Moe, and attack the disbelievers nearest them.

But they aren’t all attacking us.

Did every Muslim participate directly in the conquests of Arabia, Egypt, Syria & India?   Islamic conquest is fard al-kifaya, binding on all until a sufficient number have responded, not fard ayn.  Read Reliance O9.1 again.  Muslims are obligated to join the jihad when called.

criticism of Islam: illegal

How is it possible that revealing these fatal facts about Islam is “discrimination” and “against the Constitution”?  Only when we are intimidated or conquered!
When Muslims conquer dar ul-harb,  Jews, Christians & Zoroastrians living in the former domain of war are subjected to Islamic law.  Reliance of the Traveller, O11.10 lists five acts which break the contract of dhimmitude, subjecting the violator to the death penalty.

-5- or mentions something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), or Islam.

What is “impermissible to mention” ? Reliance O8.7 lists 20 acts which entail apostasy. Here are the most relevant items from that list.

-4- to revile Allah or His messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace);
-5- to deny the existence of Allah, His beginingless eternality, His endless eternality, or to deny any of His attributes which the consensus of Muslims ascribes to Him (dis: v1);

-6- to be sarcastic about Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat;

-7- to deny any verse of the Koran or anything which by scholarly consensus (def: b7) belongs to it, or to add a verse that does belong to it;

-15- to hold that any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent;

-16- to revile the religion of Islam;

-19- to be sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law;

-20- or to deny that Allah intended the Prophet’s message (Allah bless him and give him peace) to be the religion followed by the entire world (dis: w4.3-4) (al-Hadiyya al-`Ala’iyya (y4), 423-24). )

Reviling Islam, Allah or Moe gets one killed; any and all criticism of Islam is fatal under Islamic law. That is what they are seeking to subject us to.  The purpose is to render us defenseless against demographic subversion & militant jihad alike.  This is akin to outlawing criticism of Nazism during  WW2.

October 24, 2011 - Posted by | Islam, Political Correctness | , ,

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