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Pastor terry Jones in the Liar’s Den: an Exposure of Islam through Refutation of Lies

This video was posted on Facebook, it dates from last year, but the
issues raised in it are current because Pastor Jones is protesting the
death sentence of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and will
burn Qur’ans and images of Moe if he is not set free by April 28.
Pastor Jones has also declared International Judge Muhammad Day to be
celebrated September 11th.

Pastor Terry Jones walked into the liar’s den about a year ago and
submitted to a spew of lies, distortions & insults.  The
adversaries spew great volumes of malignant malarkey,  Pastor
Jones gets little  chance to refute the multitudinous lies.
that Jones  listens patiently to their screeds but they interrupt
him when he tries to answer their malignant accusations.

Unfortunately, Pastor Jones is insufficiently
informed and articulate; unable to smoothly & quickly  refute
the rapid fire spew of deception coming from his adversaries: Sayed
Hassan Al-Qazwini & Reverend Edwin Rowe .

It is difficult to absorb and think critically about
the important
issues raised when the spew of malignant malarkey flows by so rapidly.
Because of
the target rich environment provide by the spew of lies, I have
attempted to transcribe the critical remarks of the principle
participants in the row, minus the comments of the token lawyer.
Due to my poor auditory acuity and miserable typing skills, this will
not be perfect word for word, but will be close enough to communicate
the main points.   Please read their words carefully and
examine the evidence I will submit in my commentary to follow.

I have highlighted some crucial words & phrases
and linked them to my comments. Click the highlighted expressions to go
directly to my comment and use your back button to return to your place
in the text.

 You have ignited a firestorm,
have insulted
of people around the world and here in detroit.
What are you trying to do and why here?


We are going to continue to try to
raise awareness here in America and around the world.

As you might be aware of, I spent thirty years as a
missionary in Europe, during that time I saw the growth of radical
Islam.  What we are trying to do is raise an awareness of jihad,
of Shari’ah; we are trying to raise that awareness here in

As we have said many times we have come here to
Dearborn in the spirit of peace, we are not demonstrating against the
rights of Moslems, we are not demonstrating against the mosque there,
we are not demonstrating against the Koran.  The Moslems in this
country, if they have come here legally, if they have been born here,
if they have converted to Islam, then they are of course

The only thing  we ask is that they honor
and obey and submit to the Constitution
of the United
States.  If
they are willing to do that then our message to them is one of
welcome.  If they have come here with a secret hidden agenda which
is definitely possible–we have seen that in Europe.

Moslem leaders here in America have spoken
out; said that they would like to have Shari’ah be a governing force in
certain domestic issues, then our message is to them that they are not

If they have come here as I say, to honor and obey;
submit to the Constitution of the United States, then that is fine. We
are just concerned about that radical element:
we are concerned about
jihad and we are concerned about Shari’ah.


Imam  Al-Qazwini, you lead the
largest mosque in North America;  what do you want Terry Jones to
know about Islam?


Well, first of all I would like to ask
Pastor ‘Terry Jones to define for us what it is
that he means when he
speaks about Shari’ah.


Well, what I actually mean–I’m talking
about any form of government; whether it be Shari’ah, my knowledge of
that is of course somewhat limited, but I realize that it  is a
very brutal form of punishment. It involves stoning, it involves other
very cruel forms of punishment

But it not only has to do with Shari’ah, whether it
be any other  religion that has any form of governmental force
adapted to it–connected to it, then, of course, we are against

We believe that the United States can only be
governed by the Constitution.  As I said, I spent thirty years in
Europe, I traveled around the world–I have seen and believe that the
United States of America is the greatest country in the world.
But it is only great because we have the Constitution. One of the
great aspects of that Constitution is the freedom of speech.


But I don’t think that the Imam would
disagree with you.


No., definitely.


Then of course we have no


Why then this problem, Pastor Terry
Jones, why this commotion you are causing in the world and in
Florida?  You burned the Koran three weeks ago and of course you
live in a free country and you are entitled to your opinion and every
action you do.  But for someone who calls himself a Pastor,
someone who speaks in the name of Jesus–Jesus was a great messenger
who asked his followers to  embrace others–to love his enemies–
and I think someone who calls himself Pastor
–I don’t think you have moral grounds to burn the Koran, a divine
that respects and glorifies
whom you speak in
his name..  If you read the Koran that you burned three weeks
ago–one month ago, you will find out that almost on every page in the
Koran there is a verse in the Koran glorifying Jesus, so I feel
what you did three weeks ago was an insult against Jesus;
against your own faith because if you
really believe in Jesus then the Koran glorifies Jesus.  so when
you burn the Koran you are insulting Jesus.   That’s insulting


Lets look at Shari’ah law as we
understand it, here is a definition  “Law based on the Koran that
lays down certain duties and penalties for Muslims.  “But its much
more than that, Imam.


I think what Pastor Jones needs to
know–he needs to get educated. of the meaning of the words he is
talking about.

It seems that he is well misinformed  bout
things he has been talking about without having an accurate
understanding of them.


Have you read the Koran?


I have read parts of the Koran but
there is no doubt I have never claimed to be an expert on the
Koran.  But there are experts all around the world who definitely
have the same opinion…[Crosstalk.]


Well, here’s an expert right now right
next to you.


That the Koran can, at times, lead to
violent terrorist activities, but that’s not the point.  The point
is I am making a statement- I am warning against Shaari’ah and against
jihad– that is a very valid point and that is what we are willing to
do if there is no such thing.  [Crosstalk.]
But in so doing are you not labeling
everyone who…


Absolutely not! I made that very very
clear; we have talked before, I have made it very clear thet there are
probably millions
of Moslems who are peaceful
who do not desire
that.   But there is a radical element of Islam that can not
s be denied.  We are not saying he is radical, we are not saying
that the Islamic Center here is radical, we are not saying the Moslems
in Dearborn are radical but there is no doubt about it, ah, there is
radical– we burned a book on March the  twentieth, we burned a
book –seven thousand miles away–it is a book–I do not care how holy
you think it is; it is still a book; it is not flesh and blood, it does
not live, it does not breathe, we burned a book and seven thousand
miles away people were killed, so something is definitely wrong.
[Crosstalk.] What we are saying is we are demonstrating against that.


Do you feel you have blood on your
hands; because of what you did here in the U.S.A. twelve innocent
people were killed ?


Oh, absolutely not.  What we do
believe, we believe those people and those governments should be held

We believe that our President, who has done a very poor job so far, we
believe that our President should not only speak out against the
radical element of Islam, we have got to call these countries to
accountability in the U.N. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia; they have
to change their laws–to adapt their laws to human rights or they
should be removed from the U.N.


Reverend Rowe, let me bring you in here
because there are zealots in every faith; he calls himself a Christian,
so do you, you read the same Bible ; why the a difference in attitudes?


Well, I am here because I am not trying
to defend violence anywhere on the part of the Christian Taliban
anybody else; I am here to say that what happened burning the Koran did
not just burn the Koran, it burned the Sermon on
the Mount
it burned
every statement that Jesus made about loving

about … if you
think people are your
, whether its Shari’ah law or whatever it
is, the statement is very clear, “you have heard it said you shall love
your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say to you: love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you.”

I don’t happen to think that I have the same enemies
you do, but if those are your enemies, the worst thing that happens
here is that somebody might think that Christianity actually supports
what you did.

I am here to say that there is nothing in the Gospel
that I read that  that supports the burning of the Koran

and, if
you knew what was happening; given what happened on September 11th,
had to know there  would be violence as a result of the burning; I
think the blood is on your hands, for every ounce that was spilled,
because if you knew that your act was gonna create violence,
then the
violence is your violence .

You can not just duck it and say that someone else
did the killing when you knew that your act was going to create the

and I think that, in fact, you burned a whole lot more than the Koran,
you burned
So I think first of all we have to say I don’t own your version of
Christianity at all every
statement of Jesus Christ about

We just came out of Holy Week in which Jesus walked
into a very violent city on a donkey in peace and the peaceful Jesus
that I know would never have done what you did. And you knew, because
of  all the outpouring of September 11th, that it was going
to create death and I that death is on [Crosstalk.]


That’s an important question and you
call yourself a Christian; would Jesus Christ have done what you


converted to Christianity.  They
brought books that they thought were dangerous, they brought magic
books, Well
I think for one thing we’re definitely getting sidetracked and another
thing; I think definitely that he would.  In Acts 19:19 we see
very clearly that people [brought book] sworth great sums of money and
they burned

We see Jesus went into the Temple; threw out the
money changers.  We see every t8ime in the Old Testament that a
new King, a Godly King, came into place, he went down and tore down the
high places.

But I think we are missing the point: we are here
not to burn the Koran, we are not here to discuss the burning of the
Koran, we are here to send a very clear message to the radical element
of Islam: that is our message. Just a few months ago we talked about
burning the Koran and then there is violence. Radical Islam does not
need an excuse.  Coptic Christians came out of their churches
after a service, and they were just simply killed. We have to
remember the radical element of Islam has been killing people for
hundreds and hundreds of years.  Every single thing [Crosstalk.]


We are talking about that radical


But why choose a place of peace to
stage that protest?  We are going to talk more about that; about
the legal issues involved when we come back…


A wonderful demonstration today: Jews
Muslims, Christians joined hands together at the Mosque today. And yet
there are many Americans who fear Islam and what it represents.
I believe they fear Islam because of
people like Pastor Terry Jones who are working on their paranoia, who
are making monster  out of Islam.  I would respectfully ask
Pastor Terry Jones to go and read the Koran instead of burning the
Koran and he would be amazed and surprised from the commonalities that
exist between Islam and Christianity.

The Problem is Pastor Jones has not read the Koran,
he has no knowledge of the Koran therefore he is trying to make a
monster out of the Koran
and by that he is terrifying
Islam and by telling them that Islam is the danger.

Now no one is denying that there are radicals in
Islam as there are radicals in Christianity; I consider him one of the
radicals in

We have people like Timothy McVeigh who
hundreds of innocent people in Oklahoma ten-fifteen years ago in the
name of Jesus
  We have people who committed all kinds
crimes in the name of the church and in the name of Jesus, peace be
upon him.  Would I hold Christianity responsible for that? No! I
am not going to do that because I understand in every faith there is a
fringe group who use
for their own interest and Islam is no
exception.  Why
I would hold 1.5 billion Muslims responsible for
the acts of a small fringe group that has been distorting Islam? 

But that does not mean Islam should be held responsible for
them.       We all agree that there are people
who have hijacked
and gave it a bad name.  So I would invite
Pastor Jones to learn about the Koran, learn about Islam and be able to
distinguish between those fringe groups who in no way would represent
the mainstream of Islam; a divine faith
has so much to offer to
this world and to humanity.  The divine faith that speaks highly
of Christianity and of Judaism

We in our religion believe that someone who does not
believe in Jesus, who does not believe in Moses he can not claim to be
Muslim, so in order to be a true Muslim you have to embrace Jesus and
his message; you have to embrace Moses and his message and it seems
that Pastor Jones  does not get that.

Now I want to go back to the Shari’ah law that he
has been talking about.  We ask him how does he define the
Shari’ah law; he says that he thinks the Shari’ah law is the brutal
punishment.  Now what brutal punishment
is he talking about
Is he speaking about the stoning?  Now let me, for his reference,
the stoning was
referred to in the Bible, not in the Koran

Now, if he is talking about what the Taliban did in
Afghanistan fifteen years ago,  when they were stoning people:
well, Taliban does not represent Islam, everyone

knows that the Taliban rule does not represent the spirit of
Islam.  I am someone who numerous times condemned what Taliban did
against people in Afghanistan and I said that these people are
self-declared religious leaders who are not recognized by the
mainstream of Islam, so he can not also hold Islam responsible for the
act of Taliban in Afghanistan when they were stoning people.

Here in America we have six million Muslims; I
challenge pastor Jones if he can bring me one Muslim in the United
States  who would say that we have not abided by the U.S.
laws.  All these Muslims are abided by the U.S. laws, so let me
ask him this, of course: there is a reference to the stoning in the
Bible, does that mean the Christian in the United States now are
calling for implementing stoning in the United States?  This is, I
think, the wrong analogy.  So I believe that his understanding of
the Shari’ah law is definitely distorted, he does not have accurate
understanding of what he is telling people; what he is talking about.

He can demonstrate against radical Islam,
that’s his right he can do that and he is entitled to do that but I
also would like to ask him, as I always do when I talk about extremism
and radicalism in other faiths,  that I would condemn radicalism
and extremism in my faith first so he has to do the same thing when he
talks about radicals and he means to rally people against radical
Islam, would he also do the same thing by rallying people against
radical Christians?  Would he tolerate those who go and blow up
abortion clinics
here, what he would call them?  are
radicals; why would he not not speak out against them, why he chose to
be silent about those
radicals who call themselves Christians but he only chose to attack
those who call themselves radicals in Islam.  So I think this is a
double standard and someone who calls himself Pastor and religious leader; he has
to take the higher ground.


Let me ask both of you: what do you
call someone who straps a bomb to himself to kill innocent people; do
you call them martyrs or do you call them terrorists?


I call them murderer; the Koran that
Pastor Jones burned three weeks ago calls these people murderer and the
Koran is very clear that if you kill one innocent person you will be
viewed by God as if you have killed the entire mankind.   So
of course, someone who kills innocent people
is considered a murderer
in the eyes of God.

And by the way, I would like to take this
opportunity to condemn the killings that took place in Afghanistan
three weeks ago  when Pastor Terry Jones burned the Koran.
But I want to say one thing: When Pastor Terry Jones those who
committed that crime and I unequivocally condemn that attack, it was
carried out by lunatic Muslims, these people are not normal people,
these people are lunatics, but who pushed them to do that; someone who
calls himself Pastor, someone
who calls himself religious leader, he pushed them to do that, so yes,
I agree that his …there is blood on his hands for pushing these
lunatics to kill those innocent people at the United nations
Headquarters in Afghanistan and I hold him also partially responsible
for these killings.  .

Ok, Reverend jones, your


yeah, sure,  since 9/11 theres
been over seventeen thousand successful terrorist attacks.  I mean
to hold us responsible for what someone does seven thousand miles

away is totally ridiculous.  You can see that in our own American
History, in our recent history we had the movement by Reverend Martin
Luther King Jr.  During that movement, many people were killed but
nobody would say it was Reverend martin Luther King Jr.’s fault.

I think that the Imam–I think that the problem
is they talk the talk but they don’t walk the walk,  they talk all
this peace but there’s really no proof of that.

As he said, here in America you have seven million;
you have nine million, so as long as they are in the minority of course
what are they gonna say? “We wanna rise up; we wanna take over”?
“Islam means submission, world domination”, is that what they are going
to say?

He’s not saying that.


I didn’t say he, I said they.  Is
that what they are going to say? No! You look at Moslem dominated
countries, its not important what a minority says in another country as
long as that minority is a minority, it is important [Cross talk. ]
it is important what a minority does when it becomes a majority; how
does it then treat the minority under them?  And in Islam
dominated countries; in Koran dominated countries, we do not see this
peace, peace peace, [Cross talk.]


Is what you are doing the way to treat
minorities in this country?  I’m not so sure it is.


Reverend Rowe, you heard Reverend Jones
compare himself to Martin Luther King.


Yeah, I think its blasphemy; I think it
is an absolute lie and its a lie on Jesus and not just Martin Luther
King and what he died for, he was non violent.  The act of burning
the Koran was a violent
; he can’t duck that, the people who died
died and he knew that that violence was going to happen.  I think
that blood is on his hands and for him to even say the word Martin
Luther King and the non violent movement that had to do with martin
Luther King–its simply blasphemy and its Islamophobia; its right up
there with racism.  I tell you this man is lying about
Christianity, he’s lying about Martin Luther King and he’s lieing
about Islam.  he didn’t just burn the Koran, he burned the Sermon
on the Mount. 
He burned everything I believe in

when he did that
and everything the Imam believes in  and everything that Judaism
believes in and he sits here trying to protect us from a force that
does not exist.   Can you name one neighborhood in this
city or in this country that is [under] Shari’ah law? Can you name one
person who us under
Shari’ah law
? I can’t and you can’t either. He has
created a fear that has nothing to be afraid of and so  that he
can get attention and we’re here because the media is gonna [Cross


You can settle this right now.  On
Let it Rip, you can agree, to tomorrow, go into the Mosque, join hands
with the Imam and the people there and rally for peace. Will you try to
do that instead of denouncing Islam tomorrow?


No, we will not, but we can invite him
to come and join us against terrorism, against the radical element,
against whatever he wants to call it, he can come and join us because
he is [Cross talk.]

ignited a firestorm

Pastor Jones did nothing of the sort; he held a four
hour trial of the Qur’an, found it guilty of incitement to genocidal
violence and sentenced it to burning. His associate, Pastor Sapp
burned  the Qur’an.

The subsequent riots were not caused by the trial
& burning, they resulted from incendiary sermons at Jumah Salat.
The rabble were roused to riot by their Imams, not by Pastor Jones.

insulted millions

Pastor Jones accurately described the Qur’an, the
doctrines enshrined in it and the violence it incites. Muslims perceive
insult because they are heavily invested in Islam.  Islam is given
to them as the ultimate in good: guidance to faith in Allah, peace,
prosperity & justice.  In reality, it is enslavement to Satan,
a life of barren poverty and predation upon the human race.

welcome here

No sane person who knows what Islam is and what
Muslims are & do will welcome them here, regardless of their
birthplace, citizenship or immigration status.  Islam is a way of
life, not a religion. The deen of Islam is couched in terms of religion
in order to conceal its true nature.  The “original religion” of Islam is jihad.  Jihad is “war against non-Muslims“.

Believers are only
who “strive with their wealth and their lives for the Cause of Allâh“.  Muslims are under Allah’s threat of eternal damnation if they do not engage
in jihad.  Engaging in jihad is their get out of Hell free card
which will save them from a “painful torment“.

Muslims who “take
any step

to injure or enrage disbelievers are promised extra credit towards an
upgrade to their seat in Allah’s Celestial Bordello. Islam’s founding
Profiteer declared that he was “made victorious with terror“.  Muslims are commanded
to emulate a terrorist

Moe got his income with his spear. Moe was made
wealthy “through conquests“.  Do you welcome the
presence of people who esteem him as the best and greatest of men and consider him to be
their role model?

obey the Constitution

Islam rejects man made laws including the
Constitution. Only Allah’s Shari’ah
is acceptable to Islam.  The Qur’an is their constitution; the
hadith are their laws.  Compare the table of contents of Sahih Bukhari to the that of Reliance of the Traveller.
Cruel & unusual punishments are unconstitutional, but lapidation,
amputation & lashing are required by Shari’ah.  The two are
not compatible; they are polar opposites.

radical element

That phrase offends me because it is supremely
dishonest.  Postulating the existence of a “radical element”
assumes the existence of a “moderate” mainstream Islam opposed to
“radicalism” or “extremism”.  Jihad is not radical, it is
mainstream: “ordained
” Muslims though they “dislike it”.

Terrorism is not “radical”, it is mainstream.
Allah said that he would “cast
” and that he “cast terror” so that “a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them)
you made captives
”  Allah commanded Muslims to treat victims
harshly so as to “strike
” into future victims.  he commanded Muslims to maximize
the strength of their army to “terrify
” the enemies of Allah.   How was moe “made

The Hindu, Assyrian & Armenian genocides were
not “radical”, they were mainstream. Allah set “great
” as Moe’s price of admission to his Celestial
Bordello.  Moe slaughtered 800 Jews who had surrendered after a two week siege.

define Shari’ah

Literally: “path to life giving waters”. It is
Islamic law, founded on Allah’s permissions, prohibitions &
imperatives in the Qur’an, exemplified by Moe’s sunnah and extended by
the consensus of the Ulema.  The most widely accepted codification
of Shari’ah is Reliance of the Traveller, a 1251 page volume
which you
can obtain from Amazon.  In many aspects, it is the most detailed
though Hedaya excells it in a few, such as rules related to sexual
intercourse with slaves.  Hedaya has been summarized in two
volumes which can be obtained from Amazon or read on the web, but it is
arcane, archaic and dense.  I recommend reading the first two
chapters of Volume II, Book IX. beginning with page 140 where you will see the rules of war
confirmed and amplified.

If you prefer shorter, easier to read books, turn to Risala, the Maliki school’s fiqh.

divine book

Moe claimed that he received the Qur’an from Allah,
through Jibril.  Of course, nobody else saw or heard Jibril.
There are a few things Muslims do not want you to know about how Moe
received his inspiration & revelations.  Moe had epileptic
seizures: snorting like a young camel, sweating, quivering lips & tongue.

Sometimes revelations came in dreams, sometimes he heard a voice and sometimes he heard a bell ringing in his
head. He received revelations while in bed with Aisha, but not with his other wives.  Aisha was wise
to him: “It seems to me that your Lord hastens to satisfy your

glorifies Jesus

The Qur’an denies the patrimony,
deity [“not more than a slave“], crucifixion, death & resurrection of
Jesus.  In one hadith, Moe depicts Jesus as inferior to himself, unworthy to intercede for sinners.  In
another hadith, Jesus is depicted as a genocidal warlord who will
fight the people” for the cause of Allah and
destroy Christianity. Ibn Kathir, in his tafsir of Surah Al-A’raf 7:167,
informs us that just before the end of the world, “In the future, the
Jews will support the Dajjal (False Messiah); and the Muslims, along with `Isa, son of Mary,
will kill the Jews.

The Qur’an contains 113 surahs; Jesus is mentioned
in 19 of them.  Surah Al-Baqarah, the longest of surah, contains
286 ayat, of which #s 87, 156 & 253 mention Jesus.

insult against Jesus

.      Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini insulted the
intelligence of the  Fox 2 audience  by asserting that
burning a blasphemous text which deprecates Jesus is an insult against
Jesus and Christianity.  Allah denies paternity; insulting God by
claiming to be him, insulting Jesus by denial of his deity and
insulting Christians by denial of the tenets of our faith.
Burning a book which insults Jesus is not an insult to Jesus..

peaceful Muslims

Muslims who abjure offensive  conquest
insult  Allah and Islam by denying that Allah knows best.  War against non-Muslims is ordained for Muslims.  Islam is inseverable,
an all or nothing package deal: “Then
do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest?

Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except
disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they
shall be consigned to the most
grievous torment

The Muslim who does not go to war when called is
going to Hell.  “If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will
replace you by another people”.  “He who does not join the warlike expedition (jihad),
or equip, or looks well after a warrior’s family when he is away, will be smitten by Allah with a sudden calamity.”

Why does any peace loving person worship a demon who
plans to damn him for shirking offensive conquest?  You love
peace, Allah loves war; what do you have in common? Why do you
remain enslaved to him?

Christian Taliban

Taliban means “students of the Qur’an”.  The
Qur’an is an anti-Christian text; Christians read it to know their
enemy. Taliban whip and stone adulterous women, amputate the hands of
thieves and poison school girls.  What Christians do those

Sermon on the Mount

If Pastor Jones burned the Sermon on the Mount, then he
burned the Bible.  No, he burned the Qur’an!  Show me the
Surah & ayeh containing the Sermon on the Mount; I want to see it!
My search for it was unsuccessful.

loving enemies

In which Surah & Ayeh does the Qur’an contain
Christ’s command to love your enemies?  Where does Allah emulate
it?  Show me; I want to verify it!

How do you square “love your enemies with” “to terrify thereby the enemy of God and your enemy”  Which book did Pastor Jones

your enemies

Reverend Rowe, are people who curse
your enemies?  Is a  god who intends to take
Muslims out of Hell and replace them with Christians your enemy? Is a god
who curses
your enemy?

Gospel supports burning

Did you search the Book of Acts?  19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts
brought their books together,
and burned them before all
men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand
pieces of silver.

September 11

Exactly what did we do to provoke the accursed
abomination?  Exactly what did the founders do, between 1776 and
1815, to provoke the Barbary Pirates?  Did you know that the
Barbary Pirates said it was because it is written
in their laws
?  Do you know where it is written in their laws?

create violence

Violence is created by those who engage in it, not
by Pastor Jones.  He did not tell anyone to riot. He did not urge
anyone to murder.  He tried, condemned and executed a book which
exhorts men to murder, wage war, rape and pillage.

On what day of the week did the riots occur?
At what time of the day did they occur?  On what day of the week
and what time of day do the Imams  deliver their
kutbah?   The same pattern was followed when Hell was raised
over the Motoons.

create the

You are creating  killing, Reverend Rowe, by
giving Muslims carte blanche to raise Hell and project the blame onto
their critics; ‘Pastor Jones made us do it.’.

Christ: non-violence

Reverend Rowe, exactly where in the Qur’an do you
find Christ’s statements about non-violence?  Please cite the
Surah & ayeh numbers so we can look up the references.

What contravenes Christ’s teaching more than “Jihad
is ordained for you…”, “fight them until”, fight those who until”,
“kill them wherever you find them” and “fight those of the disbelievers
nearest you” ?

make a monster of the

The Qur’an is what it is: a hate & war manual;
we can make nothing of it, we can not change what it is.  Read it;
discover what it is and what it inculcates & incites.  I will
make it easy for you.

“It doesn’t say that; doesn’t mean that;
mistranslated &
misinterpreted.”  Prove it!!! Take your case up with the experts;
Islamic scholars:

Who knew the meaning of the Qur’an better than the
man who first recited it?  Is jihad inner struggle against your
ego or is it offensive conquest?  Read Sahih Bukhari’s Book of Jihad
and see for yourself.   What did the Profiteer say and do
about jihad?  Can you obtain a clue from the codified oral
traditions of Moe’s companions?

radicals in Christianity

In which New Testament book,  chapter &
verse did Jesus Christ command his disciples to wage offensive war,
engage in terrorism and commit genocide?  In which New Testament
book, chapter & verse did he exemplify such acts for his disciples
to emulate?

Moe did those things, Jesus did not; Muslims thus
engaged obey Allah and emulate Moe, Christians thus engaged contravene
the teaching of Jesus.

Timothy McVeigh

What did Tim say or do to involve Jesus in his
massacre?  Did he utter and publish a statement dedicating the
bombing to Christ?  Did he shout “Jesus is Lord!”?  What
evidence of religious motivation for the attack do you have?  Show

use religion

Who would use religion for personao emolument? Who
would contrive a ‘religion’ for his personal emolument &
empowerment?  Who would contrive a ‘religion’ for the purpose of
accruing income, wealth and sex slaves?  Who did that???  To
whom do the spoils belong?  How could an impotent stone idol eat
looted food, ride looted camels or sport with captured women?
What was Moe’s prime motivating factor?  What did Allah promise
Moe?  What did Allah deliver?  How was Moe made
wealthy?  Who were spoils made lawful for?  Who received the
keys to the treasures of the world from Allah?

distorting Islam

What did Allah say about jihad?  What did Moe
say and do about jihad?  What did Allah say about terror?
What did Allah do about terror? What did Moe say and do about
terror? What does Shari’ah say about jihad?

Exactly what is Islam that terrorists have distorted
it?  If Islam is not what Allah & Moe said & did, then
what is it??

hijacked Islam

Who hijacked Islam? When and where did they hijack
Islam?  Read the questions asked and answers listed under the
heading distorting Islam and get a

divine faith

What is divine about Islam? How can the product of
hallucinatory seizures & situational scripture be divine?
Refer to the evidence linked under the heading of divine book above.

speaks highly of

When spewing a rapid fire stream of malignant
malarkey in a half hour t.v. show with three other guests, it is easy
to get away with telling big lies.  Pastor Jones did not have
sufficient air time to refute that lie, but I can refute it in this
blog post.  Allah leaves no doubt about his attitude toward
Judaism & Christianity.  When Muslims attend the five
obligatory salat, they recite Surah Al-Fatiha 17 times each day,
reminding Allah why he wants to burn us.

  • 1:6.
    Guide us to the Straight Way

    The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of
    those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went
    astray (such as the Christians).

We “earned anger” & “went astray”. See how highly Islam speaks of

Islam curses us, beyond the compulsory salat.

  • 2:161.
    Verily, those who disbelieve, and die while they are disbelievers, it
    is they on whom is the Curse of Allâh and of the angels and of mankind,
  • 9:30.
    And the Jews say: ‘Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allâh, and the Christians
    say: Messiah is the son of Allâh. That is a saying from their mouths.
    They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old. Allâh’s Curse be on
    them, how they are deluded away from the truth!

Islam curses us, that must be  high praise indeed.  It also
calls us the “worst of living creatures”.

  • 8:55. Verily, The worst of moving (living)
    creatures before Allâh are those who disbelieve , – so they shall not
  • 98:6.
    Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islâm, the Qur’ân and
    Prophet Muhammad ()) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and
    Christians) and Al-Mushrikûn will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are
    the worst of creatures.

brutal punishment

Shari’ah prescribes the death penalty for apostasy
in Reliance of the Traveller Book O8.1. O14.1 prescribes amputation of the right hand for
theft.  O12.2 prescribes stoning for adultery.


Yes, lapidation is mentioned in the Bible, but not
in the Qur’an because a sheep ate the verse of rajab..

  • John 8:7
    So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto
    them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at
  • Sahih Muslim 17.4194
    has Caliph Umar verifying the recital of the verse of stoning and the
    fact that it was carried out in the time of the Profit.
  • Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 3, page 113
    • 1944. It was narrated that

      ‘Ashah said: “The Verse of

      stoning and of breast feedmg an

      adult ten times was revealed, and

      the paper was with me under my

      pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were

      preoccupied with his death, and a

      tame sheep came in and ate it.” (Hasan)

  • Sahih Muslim17.4196 and the immediate context
    indicated that Moe practiced lapidation.
  • See Sunan Abu Dawud 38.4339 for further confirmation.

Moe ordered lapidation, Jesus  stopped one;
which is morally superior?

blow up
abortion clinics

How many Christians shoot abortionists or blow up
their clinics?  How does the number of such incidents compare to
the number of terrorist attacks by Muslims?  In which New
Testament book, chapter & verse did Jesus command his disciples to
kill abortion doctors or bomb their clinics?

The accusation is a form of the argumentum tu-quoque
fallacy; a diversion, not a defense.  Nothing that any Christian
has done in contravention of the teaching of Jesus subtracts anything
from the intrinsic evil of Islam.

kills innocent people

Imam Al-Qazwini provided a prime example of kitman:
Islamic deception by obfuscation.  He slyly refers to Surah
Al-Ma’idah 5:32,
obscuring 5:33
which prescribes punishments for ‘waging war against Allah’.
What is the meaning of “wage war against Allah”?  For
the answer, we must turn to Tafsir Ibn kathir: “`Wage war’ mentioned here
means, oppose and contradict,
and it includes disbelief,
blocking roads and spreading fear in the fairways.”

If you do not believe in Allah, you are waging war
against him: subject to decapitation, crucifixion, amputation or
expulsion; you are not innocent. Only
Muslims can be innocent. 

violent act

Detonating a bomb in a crowd is a violent act.
Shooting people is a violent act. Rioting is violent. Burning a book
which is your own personal property, under controlled conditions is not
a violent act. Pastor Jones did no harm in judging and destroying a
Qur’an. There is no logical connection between that act and the riots
incited by Imams in Afghanistan.

The outrageous hyperbole of Reverent Rowe serves to
give Muslims a free pass for anything they do; a ready excuse. They can
simply project their own evil intentions onto innocent, non-violent

everything I believe in

What do you believe in, Reverend Rowe?
Christianity is defined in the Gospels, Acts & letters of the
Apostles, not in the Qur’an.  Islam portrays Jesus as a genocidal
warlord. If Pastor Jones burned what you believe in, then you are a
Muslim, not a Christian; an apostate and impostor.

under Shari’ah

In the last three decades, 50
trial and appellate cases involving Shari’ah have been heard in
American courts

April 19, 2012 Posted by | Islam, Islam Distorted?, Islam Hijacked?, Islam Perverted?, Islam Twisted?, Islamic Radicalism?, Islamic Terrorism, Jesus, Jihad, Liars, Political Correctness | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment